• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • And good riddance. It was a dick-ish response to people who were already having a bad day. That said, you really can solve a lot of your problems by reading the manual (if one exists). And it certainly beats the hell out of the shit-show which is Discord “support”. At least a manual is usually searchable and has some answers. And a good forum is usually also searchable and possibly indexed by major search engines (e.g. Google).

  • alternative post title: how can I grow a thicker skin, so I simply stop caring what my coworkers think or say?

    This is really the secret. Many years ago, I learned a wonderful phrase:
    Fuck you and the camel that came on you.

    Once you learn to adopt that attitude, whatever some idiot says becomes far less important to your life. There will only ever be one person in this world whom you can really control, and that’s you. For everyone else, you can either try to convince them of stuff or accept that they aren’t worth the effort and move on. The latter option tends to get used a lot more.

    If you can, just avoid the shitty coworkers. You won’t always be able to; so, when you have to deal with them, just keep the conversations short, professional, to the point, and then excuse yourself. A simple, “sorry, I really need to get back to work” often works wonders. Also, keep work and personal lives separate. Learn to leave work at work, and that includes the people (unless you find someone who is actually worth making a personal friend of). Once you get home, stop thinking about Mr. Shitty McShitface and go do something you enjoy. Work to live, don’t live to work.

    I would also recommend taking a hard look in a mirror. Sure, you might actually be surrounded by assholes, at the same time if you feel like exploding at people for every idiotic thing which dribbles out of their mouth, then you’re probably an asshole too. Stop trying to “fix” or control everyone around you and just accept that you can’t. Life gets far easier when you realize that they aren’t your problem. If you’re doing things right, you should be job hopping every few years anyway. Your pay will stagnate and fall behind if you don’t. So, in a couple years, those idiots won’t even be around you anymore.

    So, how do you “grow a thicker skin”? It’s tough and takes practice. But, just keep putting in the effort to not give a fuck . Eventually, it becomes a reflex and you’ll find yourself with No More Fucks to Give.

  • At the time I stood my server up, I was supporting RHEL at work and support for docker seemed a bit spotty. IIRC, it took both setting up the docker yum repo directly, along with the EPEL repo. And every once in a while, you could end up in dependency hell from something which was at different versions between EPEL and the official repos. Ubuntu, on the other hand, had better docker support in the official repos and docker seemed more targeted at .deb distributions. So, I made the choice to go Ubuntu.

    I suspect this is long since all sorted. But, I see no compelling reason to change distributions now. The base OS is solid and almost everything the server does is containerized anyway. If I were to rebuild it, I would probably use something more targeted at containerization/virtualization, like Proxmox.

  • I had dabbled with Linux before, both at home and work. Stood up a server running Ubuntu LTS at home for serving my personal website and Nextcloud. But, gaming kept my main machine on Win10. Then I got a Steam Deck and it opened my eyes to how well games "just worked’ on Linux. I installed Arch on a USB drive and booted off that for a month or so and again, games “just worked”. I finally formatted my main drive and migrated my Arch install to it about a week ago.

    I’m so glad that I won’t be running Windows Privacy Invasion Goes to 11.

  • If Biden refuses to step down, there isn’t a lot for the DNC to do. Biden has the nomination locked up with pledged delegates. And I seriously doubt we are going to see a mass defection at the convention. So, short of him waking up dead one of these mornings (always a possibility for an 81 year old man), we’re riding the Biden ship all the way down.

    Who knows, maybe Trump will do us all a favor and have a massive coronary in the next few months. Goodness knows his eating habits aren’t the best. But, my money is on the Biden-Trump rematch no one wanted.

  • Also never been a fan of Biden (but voted for him, and will again, if I have to). You’re falling into a Sunk Cost Fallacy. Yes, anyone chosen to replace Biden would be a gamble. But, Biden is a losing horse. The right time to replace him was last year. But, just because we missed that opportunity doesn’t mean we should throw good time after bad. He should be replaced before things get so late it literally cannot be done.

    This wasn’t some otherwise strong candidate, who just had a bad day. Biden is already struggling in polling. While the economy hasn’t been fantastic, it’s good enough that he should be crushing Trump. Even in 2016, Clinton was polling ahead of Trump and still managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Biden isn’t winning. He’s maybe tied and maybe losing in current polling. Trump had already proven that he can be convicted in court and not lose support. There’s just not much left to hurt Trump. And Biden doesn’t seem to have anything left to gain support. Things are not going to get better for Biden.

    Biden is losing this race. It’s time to follow the rats off the ship, before we’re trying to escape a ship on the bottom of the ocean.