• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The overall problem being the paranoia that is generated daily, not only to make people defensive, but also offensive. Here comes an argument in the form of a Joycian fever dream that collapses into cynicism! Woo!

    Computer technology gives an edge in regards to productivity and this is also reflected in the military. Whereas Guerilla warfare can be very effective, in todays landscape we see drones and long range weapons which are both augmented by computers to be the real edge, as it makes annexation that much harder.

    Now if everyone would just put down their arms, and not rev up any military industrial complex, then we’d all be good… except for that one bastard over there. I heard he doesn’t like you. In fact, I heard he hates you - vehemently.

    But don’t worry, us here at Larry’s Sharp Stick Emporium have got you covered. That tribe next door won’t know what hit em. Now excuse me while I head over there and do an IPO for the aerodynamic sharp stick, now with speed lines.

    Yes, it’s a man’s life working in marketing for war machines. You get all the cocaine and dead hooker insurance you can shake at a sharp stick at. In essence what we do is emotionally and intellectually manipulate you to give us your money, because at the end of the day, we want your money.

    And so it was that money and fear kissed under the bleachers, totally skipping class and giving the finger to the teachers, checking out each other’s bodily features. But wait, who was that? It was Mr Politician, who was kind of hot, maybe? Per chance… a ménage à trois? And the whole world got fucked. Fade to credits.

    Directed by Humans, Produced by Animals, Executive Directors: Avarice, Narcicism, Executive Producers: Greed, Gluttony, Staring, You as sucker, me as sucker, the elites as suckers, and Likeable Sucker as the US President,

    The end…

    (…to be continued?)

    No, the world literally ends. I hope you like eating protein paste out of a tube on some distant planet, because we’ll be learning what it means to live on a generational ship. Please eject me into the sun on the way out. Tnx.

  • People who still believe in “the elites” being a problem is a moron, because they can’t see that the issues are systemic and that since we have a hierarchical system we can only accept that theres a certain amount of corruption as discrepancies.

    Taking down anyone whose anyone that can challenge your power is not a discrepancy. That’s a full blown red flag that we would have some Africans who suffered through greedy fuelled conflicts shaking their heads.

    It’s not that “if you cut off a head a new one grows in it’s place”, it’s a literal power vacuum that someone else has to occupy and when you then put your own yes-men into those roles, a’la what Project 25 specifies, then you’ve got yourself a potential Putin situation. You can take it one further by executing them one by one like Saddam did.

    In any case, Trump really is the endurance test to see if a despot can take over and destroy US democracy.

  • You’re irrelevant IN the big picture, at least with that attitude. Defeatism is everywhere and prevents grassroots movements and is the sign of a weak spirit. I refuse that attitude and stick to the merits of a concept, rather than falling back on a logical fallacy like appeal to majority. Stop doing that, because that’s how you get subjugated, that’s how change is prevented, that is how those in power and influence remain in power and influence. Be the change you want to see.

    EDIT: but yes, i was lost, as i thought i was answering to a comment in my inbox, but I did also find @MeetInPotatoes@lemmy.ml mom - and boy did I meet those potatoes, lemme tell ya.

  • The wOrLd GuBmInTs is such a huge umbrella that it must mean it’ll rain the Atlantic Ocean.

    WESTERN GOVERNMENTS are allowed to go against privacy and encryption because of stupid Karen’s screaming “won’t somebody please think of the children” and old fops going “basically terrorists” and not a single one of them have considered the decentralisation principle as an actual barrier, because their constituency allows it, because their constituency is technically illiterate.

    EASTERN GOVERNMENTS are largely authoritarian. Sorry, world, but I’m not in the mood to piss about here.

    THE GLOBAL SOUTH gets bundled together as well, because no one there has the resources to actually prevent the spread of encryption software, much to the shegrin of western governments, who tried to sanction that shit, but got overridden by people who took a plane ride with aa USB stick.

    Again, PGP over email is still unbreakable and can be used as well, incl with private email servers, or even Matrix servers. You don’t need Telegram or Signal. The “whose next” problem relies on the idea that you and I are the only people who know of these problems, and that’s kind of arrogant.

    M’buru Ufufu is on that plane right now, with tons of encryption software on a USB stick, the UN be damned. UMA LELE, UMA LELE~!