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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • So to be clear, what you are saying is that the USA should spend more in roads and less in public transport right? Because the USA is so special that you poor things just have no more options.

    Fuck man, even here in Bogotá we are finally building a metro, and yes the work for it had fucked traffic even more. And for years we have been taking roads away from cars to use them for buses (see what transmilenio is) and bycicles. And guess what, it has been a fucking uphill battle every step of the way for morons like you who just love their fucking cars. Is Bogotá traffic good? Fuck no. Is public transport great here? Hahahaha, god no. But we are making progress despite morons like you. But you people keep your excuses, you poor morons and your american exceptionalism. Even the third world is leaving you behind hahaha, is kind of pathetic, specially because is people like you holding your country back.

  • First of all my man, I was responding to your comment about “people complaining about roads” in the USA. I’m just pointing out how the people that complain about that are part of the problem. As the comment you replied pointed out, one of the main problems the USA have is that they do invest in infrastructure. Is just that they invest in the dumbest possible transport infrastructure possible, roads for cars. Your comment is ridiculous in that context, its’s basically “yeah, and they should invest even more in roads” hahahahahaha, come on man.

    Second, at some point you americans need to start taking responsibility of your governmment and elected officials. IMO this particular problem is caused by the voters, and you people loveee to blame your politicians like you are the only country with crappy politicians. Be honest with yourself, what do you think will happen to a politician that campaigns on removing lanes from cars to create dedicated lanes for buses in the USA? Or a politician campaining on moving funds from road development to rails development? Etc, etc. It’s a career killing move for a politician in the USA, you people love your cars hahahaha.

    The real problem is that you people don’t want public transport. Or rather, you want public transport but magically without affecting your cars infrastructure. So politicians have no incentive to invest in public transit, quite the opposite.

  • But how many are actually willing to give up cars and use public transport instead if given the choice? In my experience, most people want to be able to continue using their cars but with glowing roads and little traffic hahahaha. That’s what we mean when we say people are car-brained, most people want magic solutions to be able to continue to use their stupid, contaminating, inneficient cars. EVs will fix the contamination hahaha. And another lane will fix traffic for sure hahaha. These people are just too dumb to realize that it’s literally impossible to do what they want once you have areas with “high” population density. Instead, as you just mentioned, most people just complain like dumbasses like that’s good for anything.

  • And Apple has earned any trust? Jesus christ people, like less than 2 months ago they were caught restoring “deleted” photos from iCloud to user devices hahahahaha. Of course fans were excusing them talking about disk sectors like that has anything to do with cloud storage being available accidentally hahahaha.

    But yeah, Apple cult followers will find a way to justify surrendering even more freedom to Apple with this BS for sure. And they will be paying top dollar for the pleasure hahahaha.

  • I get that. But then I don’t go to car forums to complain about my car and then get mad when they suggest my car is shit and I need to change it hahahaha. My point is, these people only want to complain instead of fixing things, and it’s very annoying. Don’t get me wrong, they can complain as much as they want as far as I care. But I wish they would complain somewhere else, it’s just noise if they are not willing to do anything.

  • trollbearpig@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinux best
    28 days ago

    To be fair, the conversations I have seen usually start with people complaining about whatever the latest Windows shitfuckery is. Some well intendend, but clearly naive, linux user suggests to just switch to linux. After all, the OPs usually complain in a linux community, what else do they expect?

    Then they, or sometimes a different user than the first one, say something like “but switching to linux is work and I have to learn a new thing” like a dumbass. After that it’s almost impossible, IMO, to have a constructive conversation. Other people from the community get so mad that the conversation becomes a religious argument hahaha. After all, how do you help people that want to fix their problems while at the same time they refuse to change or learn anything? And on top of that they get so self rigtheous when people dare to suggest literally anything. The only solution they want is for Microsoft to magically stop being Microsoft and fix Windows hahaha, I hope they get comfortable while they wait hahaha.

    Honestly I don’t even try. Yes, Microsoft is the one fucking people over. But people are proud of their lack of knowledge when it comes to computers and refuse to even learn the little bit that will actually fix their problems. And that’s on people, not on Microsoft. I just let them enjoy Windows, they deserve it.

  • Look man. This comment is actually very different to your initial comment, and honestly it sounds very reasonable to me.

    But can you explain to me what you were trying to say in the original comment please? Again, to me it reads like you are saying “rich and famous people are not whitening their teeths in the USA” which is factually incorrect. And to top it off, it looks like you are saying “it’s impossible for rich people to get bad healthcare in the US because they have money”, which is non sense as shown by this example of teeth whitening. And the more I read this comment, plus your very rude response (“are you okay?” Seriously dude, that’s no way to have a conversation even if you were right), the more it looks like this is what you are saying. And that’s what I was answering to.

    I’m not saying, and I never said, that you think the healthcare system in the US is good. But the more I re read your comments, the less I understand what you were trying to say if it’s not what I “quoted” above.

  • Honestly? I suspect that a big contributing factor to the bot problem is that there are some items that can be sold for real life money. A simple change to greatly reduce the bot problem is to eliminate this market and let the game be a game.

    But obviously Valve is not going to kill the golden goose. And honestly, I’m pretty sure a big chunk of the people playing the game will also get mad if Valve moves this way. After all, someone is buying all these dumb items. So nothing will be fixed here hahaha. Or probably they will just implement a temporal fix like yet another stupid DRM and call it a day.

  • I’m sorry if you meant something else dude. But read your comment and your reply and see what you actually said dude. You sound like you are saying that rich people are so smart and well protected from their bad decision by your healthcare system, so they are not whitening their teeth? Hell, even if you were right about this you don’t provide any evidence or arguments for anything you said, you were just rude and condescending to everyone.

    Again, I’m sorry if you meant something else. But people missinterpreting here is on you man.

  • I love how people like you sometimes stumble into weird truths hahaha. Like yeah, the stupid medical system you guys have in the US sucks even for people with money (luckily I’m from a latin american country that’s not yet a pro/anti US dictatorship, but soon …). Like it’s that ridiculous, even people with money in the US end up fucking themselves medically, that’s the freedom you get from that stupid healthcare system hahahaha. And people like you have stockholm syndrom.

    Sadly this is infecting my country too, famous and rich people now have pennywise white teeth lol. For now I don’t feel too bad for them, fuck these pricks wasting money in this shit while people go hungry here. But I do feel a bit sad for them.

  • Or maybe you could actually read the comment you are replying to instead of being so confrontational? They are literally making the same point you are making, except somehow you sound dismissive, like we just need to take it.

    In case you missed it they were literally saying that the fact that the real cost of running software (like the AI recall bullshit) is externalized to consumers makes companies don’t give a shit about fixing this. Like literally the same you are saying. And this means that we all, as a society, are just wasting a fuck ton of resources. But capitalism is so eficient hahaha.

    But come on man, you really think that the only option is for us to run corporate machines in our homes? I don’t know if I should feel sorry about your lack of imagination, or if you are trying to strawman us here. I’m going to assume lack of imagination, don’t assume malice and all that.

    For example, that’s what simple legislation could do. For example, lets say I buy an cellphone/computer, then buy an app/program for that device, and the device has the required specifications to run the software. The company that sold me that software should be obligated by law to give me a version of the software that runs in my machine forever. This is not a lot to ask for, this is literally how software worked before the internet.

    But now, behind the cover of security and convenience, this is all out of the window. Each new windows/macos/ios/android/adobe/fucking anything update asks for more and more hardware and little to no meaningful new functionality. So we need to keep upgrading and upgrading, and spending and spending.

    But this is not a given, we can do better with very little sacrifices.

  • Hahahahahahahahahaha. Just like crypto obsesion gave us cheap crypto chips in all personal computers? Get real dude, this is just a way for them to steal even more data from people. Nothing good will come from this. Quite the oposite, we will see yet another price increase in hardware because all AI dumbasses will hoard them yet again. Don’t forget these are the same morons that were pushing for cryptos and nfcs hahaha. These are people who believe in magic free money, too bad they sometimes get it because our society is built by retards. I really can’t stand people looking for a possitive in this dissaster …

  • Nah dude. TPMs have always been about implementing DRMs. These companies hate that they can’t control our PCs, they want to be sure we can only run their approved apps. Like it works in iOS and (to a lesser degree for now) in Android. And even there they are pushing hard for even more restrictive DRM.

    For example, some years ago I worked with a SaaS that implemented and sold some security products. One of our customers was a big retailer (for specialized products, not going into more details to avoid doxxing) that was having a problem with scalpers buying all their inventory as soon as they released it. So they were trying to put a show for regulators about stopping scalpers because their customers were complaining. We suggested that the only real solution was to have some real life verification of purchases. But in the end they went with the awful attestation APIs offered by Apple and Google to “fix” this. And in case you are not familiar, these APIs are just TPM based DRMs. So now, if you have a rooted/jailbroken phone you can’t even buy with this retailer anymore.

    Note that this company wasn’t trying to fuck customers directly, they were just lazy and incentivised to not really fix the problem (a sale is a sale, even if to a scalper). But even then the end result is that their customers got their digital freedom rights restricted. It’s just a terrible technology IMO, the incentives from companies are all terrible. And that’s before we start considering the real intentions of awful companies like Microsoft, Apple and Google. IMO they are actually pushing for techno feudalism, but that’s my conspiracy theory hahaha.

    So no, I doubt they were thinking about security with this recall bullshit. As other people have explained in their comments it doesn’t really protect much in practice. Plus this whole AI push has just been a stupid scramble from these companies to grab a big piece of the stupid AI pie from other companies hahaha, there is no long term plan here, don’t lie to yourself and us.