Yes! And more commonly referred to as “blindos”
Yes! And more commonly referred to as “blindos”
Me turning up the radio whenever my car starts making a terrible noise.
Thanks for the reply. That makes sense to me, part of me balks at meeting in the middle with such extremes already in play especially given that even these numbers will still be seen as nigh poverty enforced by evil socialist to the ultra wealthy.
Yeah I can see that, very interesting example. I have to think about that more as I’m already thinking of loads of similar examples. I guess at the end of the day a 90-99% tax above $x would still be “fair” but it def is a different perspective on ultra wealth that might not necessarily be “stolen.”
So zero critique but to me these numbers still seem insurmountably huge. I wonder what makes $10/100 million your cut off points?
I ask because it’s hard for me to imagine how one individual can amass $100 million in wealth without theft from those actually producing value. But I’m also aware that somewhere along the way actual lines have to be drawn and don’t necessarily have my own metric for where that should be.
Holy shit, after years of trying to convince my wife to join Reddit it turns out you were here on Lemmy all along.
This but also for a lot of people the impact the car has on communities, suburbanisation, defunding public transportation etc. is a big factor in wanting to see change.
Psychotherapist in the UK here. I cannot stress enough that many of these services are quite predatory both on the therapist and clients. Additionally many do not vet their therapists properly.
I don’t know where you are in the EU but your country should have regulating bodies. Here in the UK we have BACP, BPS, COSCA etc. All of which have online directories that let you search by speciality, filter for online/in-person etc. In the UK (and I’ve heard this is true in some other places in Europe but not sure where) you do NOT have to be qualified to call yourself a therapist or counselor so going with someone outside of these regulatory bodies often means you are doing therapy with someone that did a weekend online course. It is also why these online services are full of people you don’t want to be working with.
Before COVID, in the UK we were required to have specialist additional training to work via phone/online but since COVID it’s a bit of a wild west. It is substantially different working online than in person - that can be a very good thing… But it can also be a very bad thing too.
My advise is find a regulatory body, search their directory and look for people who specialize in exactly what you want to work in. Many will tick a box as one of 100 things they can work with - ignore those and look for people that in the description talk about neurodiversity etc.
Oh and finally, good practice is to offer clients a 15-20 min call so you can explain how you work and help them get an idea of if they’d like to work with you. Take advantage of this and talk to 2-4 people first before picking someone. The number 1 metric for positive outcomes in therapy is how well you connect to your therapist, so don’t compromise on that.
If you would like more pointers feel free to ask, I don’t want to overshare info that isn’t relevant.
I searched high and low and couldn’t see anything to suggest it does. The screen caps of searches on it seemed to be based on metadata or tags so I’m guessing not. Either way the price point for me is way too high unfortunately discount or not. Will stick with self-hosted immich as my plan to degoogle from drive and photos.
I had a quick search but couldn’t identify anything obvious… Could you clarify what cloudflare did recently/why one might want to avoid them?
Yes, SO much this! They are firstly more likely to go under the radar due to misconceptions of what ADHD looks like in individuals and then secondly, to add insult to injury, more likely to be dismissed/not believed when it does get put out there.
As a psychotherapist I’ve found myself working with quite a few people in the last 5yrs going through the process of questioning if they are neurodivergent after social media psychoeducation.
In my experience many professionals are woefully under trained in the area of both trauma and neurodivergence and both would be primary considerations if you friend is resonating with descriptions of experiences and symptoms of ADHD. It is very often overlooked and misdiagnosed or missed as a diagnosis. Additionally many Therapists are trained to stay in the clients frame of reference and would not suggest a diagnosis that would be the job of a psychiatrist (at least here in the UK).
I think this can be a really complicated field to navigate. The way we diagnose mental health divergence in the west is primarily using the ICD or DSM both very problematic for various reasons but most of all because they look at symptoms to diagnose. Generally when diagnosing a physical condition symptoms are key to bringing people into the doctors office but you wouldn’t want chemo because you had trouble breathing… You’d want some further tests to identify if it was lung cancer or a broken rib. Hell even some good additional questioning can drill down to this. Now in saying that a good mental health professional will do this, but many don’t - especially somewhere like America.
The reason this is such an issue is many underlying conditions can present as ADHD - and visa versa. Your friend could have complex or chronic trauma, or any number of personality disorders for example. On the flip side I’ve seen people with probable ADHD be turned away from medical help because psychiatrists have (in my opinion) wrongly presumed it’s trauma.
So to me the thing I tend to focus on more than anything is how does this stuff show up in people’s lives and how can they alieviate the pain. For many seeking a diagnosis and getting medical help will be worth trying. For many other just having a community that struggles with similar issues and supports each other with tools and techniques that help is enough. Whatever it looks like for your friend I’d recommend you ask her what supporting her would look like from her perspective and do your best to be there.
To be clear I don’t think you did anything “wrong”, we all react from our own frame of reference and yours was different then than it is now as you are considering other angles. But I think you are asking the right question and sound like a good friend.
On the topic of these psycho education social media platforms - ultimately, I’m more thankful for the increased awareness and access to tools and techniques that help people than for any false self-diagnosis that undoubtably occurs because of it.
Just a heads up on this I had a wee look through their children’s stuff and most stuff with a reverse image search resolved to Aliexpress.
I get at this point nearly everything is but figured I’d highlight it given the subs focus on supporting European companies and products.
Christ I reread that first line about 5 times trying to figure out how introducing a comma would help make things better.
Guess I’m all in on the original.