The landlords are not the problem, and we’re not planning on moving out anytime soon.
What do you mean by racking?
Many houses don’t have 90⁰ angles
Yes, I was made aware of this. I’ll need to cut the wood planks of the desk and the shelf to the exact angles of my room. I am planning to mount the wood on all three sides of the room (all brick).
A floating TV is a must! I just didn’t draw it here 🫣
Thanks for your reply.
The landlords are not the problem, and we’re not planning on moving out anytime soon.
What do you mean by racking?
Yes, I was made aware of this. I’ll need to cut the wood planks of the desk and the shelf to the exact angles of my room. I am planning to mount the wood on all three sides of the room (all brick).
A floating TV is a must! I just didn’t draw it here 🫣