Just one uncomfortably sentient and angry automobile on a road trip through the fetaverse.

Profile pic credit: openclipart.org - user roland81 https://openclipart.org/detail/150787/comic-red-angry-car

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yup, the White Terror. I didn’t disagree with that.

    My point was that the KMT coming to Taiwan was a wave of migration of people who while very anti-PRC saw themselves as fundamentally Chinese and Mandarin-speaking as opposed to pre-1945 Han settlers who were Taiwanese-speaking and in many cases had been living in Taiwan for hundreds of years already.

    Today, those distinctions have softened, and polling shows that even the people who are descended from that wave of KMT migration mostly see themselves as Taiwanese first and foremost.

  • There’s a lot of layers there, Han people have been settling in Taiwan since the 17th century and this originally Taiwanese-speaking group makes up about 70% of people in Taiwan. They don’t consider China their homeland anymore than Americans do the UK.

    Han people who came with the fleeing KMT government are more directly tied to China, but even they have been largely Taiwan-ized politically since the democracy and identity movements of the 1980’s. Which is to say, very very few people in Taiwan see China as a homeland these days.

  • Someone else mentioned pawpaws but i just want to emphasize pawpaws are the shit. Plus if you live in the Eastern US especially the Midwest pawpaw season is HERE. You have no excuse not to leave your house this moment and find your nearest pawpaw grove.

    Not convinced? Congrats you have subscribed to pawpaw facts:

    • they are related to the custard apple and were brought this far north in the shit of prehistoric giant sloths
    • they taste like somewhere between a mango and a banana, and so our ancestors in all their wisdom gave them names like Indiana banana, Ohio banana, \ banana
    • they are a CAPITALIST NIGHTMARE as they have terrible shelf life so can really only be eaten fresh or bought from a farmers market
    • foraging for pawpaws is super fun as they grow in groves, have super skinny trunks and branches with large long leaves and surprisingly big fruit. To harvest pawpaws you give the trees a gentle shake and ripe fruit will just fall off. Don’t shake too hard or you might knock down fruit that isn’t ripe! Not cool!
    • to enjoy just shake em down, cut it open and eat the fresh fruit inside (not the skin). Do not eat the big ass seeds leave them where you found em so that out beautiful native pawpaw groves FLOURISH

    All in all pawpaws are 10/10 if you want to feel like a literal Animal Crossing character shaking down trees for sustenance and having a great time eating fresh fruit outdoors

  • It’s completely understandable to respond that way towards people who are dismissing or attacking a fundamental part of who you are.

    At the same time it’s important to note they are a small sample size of their religious/ethnic/national background. Each of those groups is probably so large as to contain every kind of person from saints to bigots, which is why hating a group that large is fundamentally irrational.

    Honor your own feelings, don’t make excuses for their bigotry, but remember that they like any of us are just small parts of the groups they belong to.

  • Wasn’t self-hosting but trying it out with their server for awhile. I think the idea is great, and I think one of its big UI advantages is it’s a lot more intuitive on mobile than most other personal knowledge management / note takers I’ve used.

    I did find it pretty buggy at times and a lot of the features not built out enough yet to be a daily driver for any particular use case of mine yet. I’ve tucked away into my “cool projects to check up on at a later date” mental drawer.