• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • well the right thinks anything that makes you not exactly like them is a crime. Including thinking and having different opinions and ideas. Therefore they do adhere?

    I think you might be leaning towards the paradox of intolerance and the recent solution for it which has become very popular.

    A tolerant society must be intolerant of intolerance.

    This philosophical concept seems paradoxical but actually it’s been solved via another philosophical concept. The social contract. Hate speech in almost every instance violates the social contract thus putting those who engage in it in violation of the social contract. It is not being intolerant at that juncture to remove that person from society. It is not intolerance but a violation of contractual obligation.

  • most of what’s happening in todays world is not a W for capitalism. Modern conservative thoughts on capitalism have long abandoned the necessary regulation of free markets we enforced for 2 centuries. capitalism only works if markets continually divide winners at the top. If you don’t bust monopolies then capitalism begins to rapidly break down. We’ve known that for a long time and only recently stopped. You lose all the benefits of capitalism without that feature. What we have in America isn’t capitalism really at all anymore. This whole concept that the government has no role in capitalism and free markets will always correct themselves is a myth and we’ve known that since before America. John Locke knew that he was a tax collector for the english crown.

  • The president appoints multiple people on the board of the fed. But that’s about it. More to your point neither the fed or the president has any control left on the main causes of inflation. Principal of which is corporate greed. Every major market in the US is an unnatural monopoly due to the fact we stopped busting monopoly’s. Corporate greed would not be an inflationary cause but since there is so little competition in markets they can conspire without communication. Neither the president or the fed have any levers in which to do anything about this realistically since half our legislation is wholly owned by those same companies that hold control over these markets.

    Companies very literally trained judges through continued learning requirements to not fight monopolies. The only bar for a merger today is a single question “Will prices go down” companies lie saying “yes” then it gets approved and there is no recourse or follow up.

    They further make fallacious claims like “Monopolies don’t exist without government!” Which is a total farce perpetuated by the same groups. It’s meant to have people vote against their interests. Monopolies are an inevitable consequence of capitalism. It must divide at a certain point or stagnate.