Is this some sort of remnant of evangelical puritan protestant ideology?

I don’t understaun this.

If you ask me, it’d make as much sense as Orthodox and Christians… or Shia and Muslim…

I know not all Christians are Catholics but for feck’s sake…

They’re all Christians to me…


It’s a U.S thing but this is the sort of things I hear…

I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?

I now know more distinctions (apparently Catholicism requires duty and salvation is process, unlike Protestantism?) but I still think they’re of a similar branch (Christianity) so I just wonder the social factor

    1 year ago

    Would you feel better if he said “it’s like squares and rectangles, but they’re still both shapes”. Hopefully that’s not racist, too.

    Yes, in the context of the 1980s and 1990s when discussing the criminality of cocaine and crack cocaine use, there is a racial component. But it was you who took that leap here in this thread, not the person who made the comparison of two products derived by the same source (hence his point in the first place).