• shalafi@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    That’s a nothing burger, really. Everyday political talk to my mind.

    The changes here, along with your quote, are more damning:

    "A sentence on the archived page that says the book “blazes a warpath for the American people to take back their country” now says it “blazes a promising path.” Another fiery sentence on the archived page read, “Just as a controlled burn preserves the longevity of a forest, conservatives need to burn down these institutions [the FBI, The New York Times, the Department of Education, etc.] if we’re to preserve the American Way of life.” It now says that those institutions “need to be dissolved if the American way of life is to be passed down to future generations.”

    Also notice the Trump language: “take back their country”, “preserve the American Way of life”. Straight from the fascist playbook.

    If Trump wins, I honestly hope at least some of you libs have armed yourselves and trained. I am a peaceful man, but I am not harmless.