One thing I worry about is a contingent presidential election. That situation arises when no candidate gets a majority of electoral votes (270 of 538). Should this situation arise, Congress gets to pick the next president and vice president.

    11 months ago

    We have a lot of nightmare scenarios in the future: Trump wins, Trump loses and we get insurrection part II, Biden wins and we don’t take the house and keep the Senate, and we have at least 2 more years of gridlock while our lives continue to get shittier, etc etc.

    The true tragedy is that there isn’t even a good outcome in the mix. Biden wins and Democrats take Congress. Fine, will they fix the courts? Fix student loans? Will they even try for universal healthcare? Universal Basic Income? Anything even close to meeting the moment?

    So depressing.

    Anyway, vote Biden so at least we don’t wind up in a fascist dictatorship.