Apparently you can be a successful author without using correct punctuation
Which book was that?
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
What to pick from god emperor of dune?
Dune the place or Dune the series?
The book, it came after children of dune
That it doesn’t matter how powerful wizard you are, you’ll still need to find a way to pay your rent.
The Wizard of Oz?
About the African samurai, Yasuke.
I learned about him fairly recently too. The end of his life struck me as brutal.
My understanding is that no one actually knows what happened to him in the end.
I mean how everyone began to treat him in the absence of the emperor. I don’t know, maybe I’m just used to Japan being an innately ethnically warm culture.
The word “yclept,” meaning “by the name of”.
“Yclept moon, I punish you” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.