It has been said a gazillion times over the last few months, but is it getting through to those who need to hear it?

    • voiceofchris
      5 months ago

      Thats not how this works. The one making the claim provides some evidence. The article makes an unsubstantianted claim that the 3rd party voters are all Harris > Trump. I asked for some sort of proof of this. And you have responded by asking me for proof refuting their claim. Burden of proof is not on me. I am just asking you, or anyone else to back up these claims, because the authors did not

        5 months ago

        Lol okay then I’ll assume you’re pulling this whole argument from your ass. Rofl. “Burden of proof” lol what a copout.

        • voiceofchris
          5 months ago

          You’re not paying attention at all. I am not the one making an argument. This article is making an argument. This article makes no attempt to support it’s claims with any evidence. I am bringing that deficit to light and asking that you, the article authors, or anyone else provide some backing for the claim it makes. That’s just how logical debate is done. There’s an awful lot of people in this thread ready to argue, throw mud, brush me off…pretty much everything except provide the proof i have asked for.

          If anyone is blindly following an argument without any logical backing then i’d implore them dig a little further. If you feel that there is some obvious support for the claims the article makes that i am simply ignoring, then, by all means, shut me up by pointing towards the data.

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            5 months ago

            But earlier in this very chain you made a simple claim, with the word “no”, that it’s untrue that third party voters don’t want Trump to win. Where’s your evidence? Where’s your data? How does your data account for trumps high disapproval rating nationally (much higher than Harris’s) despite pretty good approval amongst registered republicans? How is that possible without the disapproval of non-democrats? Your talking point makes no sense.

            You love to tell other people to prove their statements but you’re happy to make your own evidence-free claims that don’t fit with real world data.

            • voiceofchris
              5 months ago

              third party voters are some homogenous bloc of disenfranchised “not Trump” voters.

              This is what i said “no” to.

              And again, the burden is not on me. I am notthe one using unsupported claims to support a conclusion. That’s the author of the article doing that. But you know what? Just for fun, i will do what not one single other commentor has done. I WILL give you some data. Maybe by me doing so, some others can see how it is done and can provide some data of their own instead of resorting to personal attacks and speculation to support their beliefs.

     52.5% Trump’s disapproval among both parties.

     80.4% Trump’s favorability among Republicans. 17.8% unfavorable.

     Republicans account for 48% of registered voters. Dems 49%.

              So, 17.8% (unfavorable) of 48% (Republicans) means that 8.5% of the registered voting population is, in fact, Republicans who dissaprove of Trump.

              Now let’s look at the 52.5% of the registered voting population who dissaprove of Trump. Assuming that all Democrats (49%) dissaprove of him, we only need to find another 3.5% somewhere. You COULD look to the 3% of the registered voters who are presumably registered third party or independent. But you should be looking at the other group, whom we already know to dissaprove of Trump, and which is nearly three times (8.5%) larger than third party voters. That would be the Republicans themselves.

              If you or anyone else would care to explain how this data points to third party voters unanimously preferring Harris over Trump, or would like to provide some other data to support that claim, then please do. I am all ears.

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                5 months ago

                So you took the people who disapprove of trump, subtracted the republicans who disapprove of Trump, and the Democrats who disapprove of Trump, and then you went ahead and said that the remaining ones are all Republican? And you’re the one who claims to be factual? You’re math isn’t mathing.

                • voiceofchris
                  5 months ago

                  So you took the people who disapprove of trump, subtracted the republicans who disapprove of Trump, and the Democrats who disapprove of Trump, and then you went ahead and said that the remaining ones are all Republican?


                  I took the total percent of voters who disapprove of Trump (52.5%) and subtracted the percent of those voters who are Democrats (49%). The remaining 3.5% is therefore the percentage of voters who disapprove of Trump who are not Democrats.

                  I then showed that there are a full 8.5% of voters who are Republicans that dissapprove of Trump, therefore refuting the claim the the 3% of voters who are not Dem or Rep must all dissaprove of Trump.

                  My math is just fine, thank you. You just don’t like the answer.

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                    5 months ago

                    Oh, silly me! You’re right of course! Of course you’re passionate that third party voters can approve of Trump and want him elected, because you’re one of them! It was staring me in the face! Why else would you be on lemmy advocating for left leaning folk to vote third party instead of democratic! Here was me believing that there were third party voters who disapprove of Trump, but you’ve proved it mathematically for me! They don’t exist!

                    I understand your math now that you explained it more clearly, too! 8.5% of voters are republicans who think Trump is a disaster, but only 3.5% of non Democrats dislike Trump but 3.5% < 8.5%, all of those non Democrats who dislike Trump have to be republicans,

                    In fact your math shows that every single one of them has to be three republican voters! Otherwise the numbers don’t add up! Truly your math is better than mine and your logic is flawless.