Hey Guys.
After about ten years my father finally agreed to move to Linux. Because his devices I gifted him are not “supported for Windows 11”.
And it is a blast - He loved Gnome for having his two games: Mahjong and Solitair.
Everything works flawlessly; He observed me updating Debian to trixie within an instant to get him his OneDrive back.
Anyhow: I would like to recommend some alternative Games he may like; Just to show off hisnnew operating system (of choice, yay).
If this isn’t clear: He isn’t gaming “Fullscreen”. He chills for 30 Minutes with just his mice infront of the computer.
Any alternative to games would be appreciated as well.
Edit: First Feedback: https://suppo.fi/comment/8182277
The obvious answer is the other two casual classics: Space Cadet Pinball and Minesweeper. Possibly also some of the classic board games like Chess, or Go.
Found that pinball Flatpak and it’s nice to occasionally play. Hits you in the memories, if you aren’t like me and actually play with sounds on.