Controversy over raw milk reflects the push-pull the Trump administration faces in rolling back regulations and offering consumers more choices. For now, the CDC still recommends against consuming raw milk and the FDA bans its interstate sale.
Yes they should. Children of profound idiots don’t DESERVE to die, but no one should be surprised when they eat lye or invest in 401k. Misunderstand eveything.
Well, I get that. And at this point, I’m sicking of trying to keep people from setting the house on fire, while they are dousing themselves with gasoline.
Vaccines can be developed for bacterial or viral infections. As explained here the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccines are used to prevent, rather than treat, infection, “working with the body’s natural defenses to safely develop immunity to disease.” Vaccines mimic an infection, causing the body to produce antibodies and defensive white blood cells, in order to help develop immunity.
Several vaccines against extracellular bacteria have been developed in the past and are still used successfully today, e.g., vaccines against tetanus, pertussis, and diphtheria. However, while induction of antibody production is usually sufficient for protection against extracellular bacteria, vaccination against intracellular bacteria is much more difficult because effective defense against these pathogens requires T cell-mediated responses, particularly the activation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. These responses are usually not efficiently elicited by immunization with non-living whole cell antigens or subunit vaccines, so that other antigen delivery strategies are required.
I dunno if we have them, because they are both only transmissible via tainted food or water. And, well, if you don’t drink or eat tainted food, you wont really have to worry, now will you?
There isn’t an available bird flu vaccine that we could manufacture fast enough to make it available even if we started right now. This is assuming that they let us have it instead of telling us to tough it out and take some vitamin C.
H5N1 continually mutates, meaning vaccines based on current samples of avian H5N1 cannot be depended upon to work in the case of a future pandemic of H5N1. While there can be some cross-protection against related flu strains, the best protection would be from a vaccine specifically produced for any future pandemic flu virus strain. Daniel R. Lucey, co-director of the Biohazardous Threats and Emerging Diseases graduate program at Georgetown University, has made this point, “There is no H5N1 pandemic so there can be no pandemic vaccine.”[34] However, “pre-pandemic vaccines” have been created; are being refined and tested; and do have some promise both in furthering research and preparedness for the next pandemic.[35] Vaccine manufacturing companies are being funded to increase flexible capacity so that if a pandemic vaccine is needed, facilities will be available for rapid production of large amounts of a vaccine specific to a new pandemic strain.[36]
There is no guarantee that any “pre-pandemic” vaccines will work.
But then, you think you can vaccinate against bacteria…
No. No you can’t. Again, you really do not understand how any of this works. Pneumonia isn’t even a cause, it’s a symptom. I can be caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria. Saying you can vaccinate against pneumonia is like saying you can vaccinate against a runny nose. That’s literally not how anything works.
I think that’s their point. Just let them be adults and decide. I think overall it’s a very calculate issue used as a proxy for something else. What I don’t understand is why the Democrats or people on the left haven’t seen this stuff for what it is. Also there’s no counter to this strategy. It’s like a weird game theory situation where one group is knows game theory and the other side knows how to play checkers
It would not be a bad thing, if that were to happen in the US. Then, we wouldn’t be able to fuck over other countries, due to a severe lack of manpower.
If you think something with a fatality rate of ~52% would be a good thing? Not sure what to do with that…and there is no fucking way something like that would stay within our borders in any case.
The flu in general is great at swapping proteins with other strains many of which are extant in the population right now.
Every human bird flu infection of which there are presently few is a chance for highly pathogenic bird flu to make a version that is more transmissible which might yet retain its present greater than covid lethality. If this happens millions could die among them the most vulnerable including the old and those with auto immune disorders. Most of these folks who would die don’t themselves drink raw milk for obvious reasons.
No they won’t be able to. There is no tested and mass produced vaccine as of yet. There is no guarantee that a vaccine vs the present bird flu will work against what idiots brew up. Even if the experimental vaccines we have in the pipe are functional against the strain that emerges there is no reason to believe that everyone especially the poorer nations shall be able to manufacture enough fast enough to prevent widespread death.
Covid did have the silver lining of really jump-starting science and medicine in this regard. I shudder to think how the viciously stupid and hateful donvict administration will handle something like bird flu, even with these great tools we now have.
Let them get their raw milk then?
Kids shouldn’t die because their parents are idiots.
The rare salient point.
The frightening thing is that there are a bunch of “YEAH! KILL THOSE KIDS!” people elsewhere in the thread.
honestly im at a point politically, where i think that it needs to happen to be able to knock sense into people.
Thats it! Its not that we rejoice in their dead kids or some shit, but they just wont listen unless theyre personally effected
it’s eugenics, but legal, why shouldn’t we? Clearly letting them live up till now hasn’t served them well.
I mean if they grow up to be MAGA…….
They might be kind of doomed anyway.
Yes they should. Children of profound idiots don’t DESERVE to die, but no one should be surprised when they eat lye or invest in 401k. Misunderstand eveything.
Pathogens don’t care whether or not you spread them to other people who don’t drink raw milk, I’m afraid.
And people who care, actually do things like get vaccines, and believe doctors.
Unless they can’t, some people are immunocompromised. The world is more complicated than you think, so try thinking instead of reacting.
Well, I get that. And at this point, I’m sicking of trying to keep people from setting the house on fire, while they are dousing themselves with gasoline.
You are living in the same house
Don’t even bother. They think you can vaccinate against bacteria. And they’ve doubled down on it three times now.
Please tell me about the salmonella and e. coli vaccines.
I dunno if we have them, because they are both only transmissible via tainted food or water. And, well, if you don’t drink or eat tainted food, you wont really have to worry, now will you?
You don’t know that you can’t have a vaccine against bacteria?
Then maybe you’re out of your depth here.
Pneumonococcal vaccine doesn’t exist?
Dude, seriously stop digging. Vaccination is for viruses, not bacteria.
I get that you really love your raw milk, but that doesn’t entitle you to just make shit up.
And, no, I don’t drink raw milk, because I’m not an idiot.
There isn’t an available bird flu vaccine that we could manufacture fast enough to make it available even if we started right now. This is assuming that they let us have it instead of telling us to tough it out and take some vitamin C.
There are actually several already ready to go, just not done because… Well, Bird Flu hasn’t made the jump.
And, as long as the civilize nations of the world keep doing the rational thing, they’ll be able to limit the damage to just the US.
You didn’t even read that, did you?
There is no guarantee that any “pre-pandemic” vaccines will work.
But then, you think you can vaccinate against bacteria…
You can’t vaccinate against pneumonia?
Lol, k.
No. No you can’t. Again, you really do not understand how any of this works. Pneumonia isn’t even a cause, it’s a symptom. I can be caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria. Saying you can vaccinate against pneumonia is like saying you can vaccinate against a runny nose. That’s literally not how anything works.
But please do keep digging.
You can’t vaccinate against pneumonococcal bacteria?
You sure?
I think that’s their point. Just let them be adults and decide. I think overall it’s a very calculate issue used as a proxy for something else. What I don’t understand is why the Democrats or people on the left haven’t seen this stuff for what it is. Also there’s no counter to this strategy. It’s like a weird game theory situation where one group is knows game theory and the other side knows how to play checkers
That much is true. Its a proxy for industry de-regulation.
I’m all for people getting the raw milk they demand, because I hope it will lead to a quick demise.
Problem is, if they acquire a novel virus, they can basically send us into another pandemic.
This kind of crap hurts everyone.
It would not be a bad thing, if that were to happen in the US. Then, we wouldn’t be able to fuck over other countries, due to a severe lack of manpower.
Um, no thanks to that, thank you very much.
If you think something with a fatality rate of ~52% would be a good thing? Not sure what to do with that…and there is no fucking way something like that would stay within our borders in any case.
I’d say the 52% likely overlaps greatly with the 49% that created the situation.
If only. Sadly, that’s not how it works.
The non raw milk people should market their milk on the carton with
Death and Disease Free
Big Dairy would probably mark everything up, selling pasteurization as a premium feature.
Adult implies mental competency.
The flu in general is great at swapping proteins with other strains many of which are extant in the population right now. Every human bird flu infection of which there are presently few is a chance for highly pathogenic bird flu to make a version that is more transmissible which might yet retain its present greater than covid lethality. If this happens millions could die among them the most vulnerable including the old and those with auto immune disorders. Most of these folks who would die don’t themselves drink raw milk for obvious reasons.
Well, thankfully, civilized nations around the globe will be able to contain the damage to mostly just the fascist Imperial States of America.
No they won’t be able to. There is no tested and mass produced vaccine as of yet. There is no guarantee that a vaccine vs the present bird flu will work against what idiots brew up. Even if the experimental vaccines we have in the pipe are functional against the strain that emerges there is no reason to believe that everyone especially the poorer nations shall be able to manufacture enough fast enough to prevent widespread death.
Covid did have the silver lining of really jump-starting science and medicine in this regard. I shudder to think how the viciously stupid and hateful donvict administration will handle something like bird flu, even with these great tools we now have.
There is not a chance of that happening.
People in America also thought that Covid was just something “over there” when it started in China, too. That’s not how disease works.