Admission that the only thing that would keep him in the bounds of his actual legal authority is the threat of criminal charges for misusing it.
hasn’t stopped him before. won’t stop him now.
he’s gonna stay on this democracy-destroying rage-fueled vendetta against all things biden/obama/liberal until someone forcibly removes him, one way or another.
And the only ones that can remove him forcibly (the GOP) are being threatened, bribed, or bullied into submission.
I’ve never used this insult before, but they are all clearly a bunch of beta cucks.
Well, yeah. That’s how laws work. He’s exploiting how much we’ve relied on social norms and didn’t codify the rules.
He and his administration are also ignoring the codified rules.
We relied on reasonable people enforcing the rules, but ignored the fact that they haven’t enforced jack shit against Republicans for decades.
The thing with rules is, they only work if they’re enforced. That’s even one of the balances of power between the branches.
There is no system of government that works when those charged with enforcing the law abdicate their duty.
That is not to say that our system of government is perfect. It is far from it. However, you can’t design a foolproof system and if there’s one thing I know about Americans it’s that we fucking love electing fools.
Yeah, the issue is that even if the system is perfect on paper, people will still be people. Even if the system has checks in place to prevent dictatorships, those checks will inevitably rely on people actually enforcing the rules. And what happens if those people are in favor of the dictator and actively want him to be in power, and thus refuse to stop the dictator from rising to power?
The billionaire class likes electing fools, the morons just listen to them (their ads, news networks, and more recently—the billionaires’ social media sites).
Getting money out of politics would be a huge step, but that would probably also require some kind of coup.
I think a lot of what he did actually is against the law, it’s just that the courts take a long time to catch up. In the last week we’ve seen dozens of lawsuits start to gain steam and probably many of them will successfully undo a lot of the damage that has been done.
We also have to deal with the problem that the courts have been stacked with MAGA judges who also don’t care about the law, but that’s something we need to blame on them, and not just on Mr. Orange.
Well yeah. That’s why the threat is there. By removing it they made the entire system a suggestion, not a requirement.
Biden: EO for student loan forgiveness.
Trump: “I’ve got presidential immunity so that means I can do literally anything I want!”
MAGA propagandists: “Trump is the Greatest President Ever™®© The courts aren’t allowed to stop him.”
Me: …fucking kill me already. I want off of this shit ride.
Me: …fucking kill me already.
Someone thinking a tad more clearly might hope for someone else’s demise.
I only wish for that on the days that end with the letter “Y”
already spent 8+ years wishing for that.
You can’t do their shitty for near to nothing when you’re dead
Thank you for this. I was just thinking about this ridiculous hypocrisy the other day. A President following through trying to help people with debt shot down at every turn.
Then a President only trying to help his shit bag elitist enablers allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants with no guardrails or consequences.
They never cared about the constitution, the rule of law, morality, or what is objectively right. They care only for naked power and want to ram their garbage down our throats till we choke and die.
Meanwhile they laugh all the way to the bank driving over the backs of every hardworking American.
Truly their depravity knows no bounds.
I thought he was only going to be a dictator for one day. That’s what he said. Unless… wait… unless he was lying. 😲
No, he said he’d start being a dictator on day one.
This is not a defense of Trump but he definitely said on just Day One.
That’s not what I heard.
He literally said “except for on day one”
He said he’d be a dictator on every day except the first?
Okay so you haven’t seen it.
The thing where he says he’d be a dictator on day one? Yes, I have.
If anyone ever pushes him on that statement, he’ll just say that he now has complete power to redefine the length of a “day”.
Hmm how could ANYONE have seen this coming. Oh everyone did?
Evidently not everyone did…
77M ducking idiots either did not see it coming (stupid) or just "outright wanted* it to be so (asshole dicks).
Also the idiots who didn’t vote.
deleted by creator
Most of them are cheering this on with thunderous applause. They truly believe he is doing incredible things. It’s insane.
It’ll take time before the damage starts to really, really be felt.
Federal judges across the country have issued injunctions on everything he’s been writing up at this point. We’re all just waiting for what is left of our legal process to finish, if it’s allowed to do so given the current state of things. These judges will hopefully drag their feet on any ruling. If the appeals court does the same then you’ve got a while before the scotus can do Trump’s bidding.
Inevitably when the process either finishes or Trump bullies these people out of their posts it’ll take about a month or two. When social services get cut so that people aren’t getting their social security, can’t access or afford medications and whatever else he’s cooked up they’ll cry. They probably won’t point the finger in the right place though.
What even is a government? Whateveah, I got to go get my nails done. -Ducking Idiot.
What even is a government? Rogan and Tate say they made a 19th amendment, and i dont see how that benefits me to have so much useless regulation. -Ducking Idiot.
Edit: /s needed, apparently
He can fire them, break the law in doing it, and be immune.
It does not mean the firing remains valid and the people lose their job because it broke the law. They have legal protections too.
It’s like saying I had a meth lab and the cops busted it, but because I couldn’t be criminally charged, I also get to keep the meth lab. That’s not how it works lol. They take the meth lab, you just don’t go to jail.
did you get to keep the meth?
The baggy I keep up my butt just in case I get raided and suddenly don’t have a supply, yes.
Gone boofin
Boofing? Devils Triangle?
Just farting and a drinking game. Not sure what you’re talking about.
Gotta keep a baggy in the 'ol prison pocket
So, he really is a dictator now, huh? He wasn’t joking? 'Murica! Land of the free… I guess?
He’d be a real dictator when he manages to cancels elections
He’s got 4 years to “fix” that
hasn’t even been a whole month yet.
I’m surprised it took a whole month
so, with POTUS47 so blatantly (ab)using superpowers granted to him WHY did Biden fail to use even fraction of the same powers to protect the country?
Biden and Harris and many other traditional DNC candidates are pro corporate, and they did what their funders wanted them to do.
It’s why the Yakuza spends souch time supporting the communities they operate in. The republicans though…
The guard rails have been ropes with a polite “do not cross” sign for decades. Last 10 years the republicans have been jumping over them scribbling on everything… and the democrats are just going “they can’t do that, the sign says don’t cross”.
Play by the rules, blah blah, not stooping to their level blah blah
my dictator ok yours not blah blah blah. Him not “using” it is another reason I liked him.
There was a small part of me that wanted Biden to nut up on the all threats foreign and domestic bit of his oath, but say he arrests him for treason, then the right will call him the autocrat and dictator preventing the peaceful transfer of power and the will of the people. There’s no good way to go about it unfortunately. I’m sure they discussed it, and thought that surely Trump will just fuck shit up again, and her voted out in 4 years, but imo we get a kangaroo election in 4 years, and it doesn’t matter. It fucking sucks, and we’re stuck with this shit.
So what if the right gets all bent? If Trump had disappeared forever into some CIA black site we wouldn’t be in this predicament. SCOTUS would have reversed their ruling and the GOP in congress would have worked with the Dems to rein in the executive before they started disappearing too.
Biden was a merely adequate president. What we needed was an exceptional one who would do what needed doing.
They could’ve “poisoned the well” by locking the status quo and forcing legislation timelines to be 2yr+ so that nothing gets canceled until next midterms muzzling GOP and they could’ve stripped POTUS of his powers by POTUS submitting an executive order etc… multiple ways to go about it and they did not touch a single one other than “pardons”…
Democrats keep trying to play by the rules long after Republicans have flipped the game board and thrown the pieces around the room.
Because they’re not authoritarians? Which is one reason why I supported them over Trump.
They could’ve stripped president of immunity and most powers on the way out and complicated process of restoring that… which would be very democratic yet they’ve failed to do that
In a February 16 Supreme Court appeal of Berman Jackson’s ruling, acting Solicitor General Sarah M. Harris relied heavily on the Supreme Court’s July 1 ruling on presidential immunity.
“As this Court observed just last Term, ‘Congress cannot act on, and courts cannot examine, the President’s actions on subjects within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority’ —including 'the President’s unrestricted power of removal with respect to ‘executive officers of the United States whom [the President] has appointed,’” Harris wrote.
Supreme Court wanted a king so they gotta deal with a king now
Fucken idiots didnt know that kings and courts don’t historically get along unless everyone agrees with the king.
yeah unless they take this opportunity to reign him in but using this appeal to reverse the deision.
That would be nice but I’m not holding my breath
Surprising exactly nobody.
I mean yeah, they made him king. It checks out.
If SCOTUS agrees with him on this the American people have the go ahead to execute him