I’ll take my downvotes, but while I agree with the sentiment in this particular comic I have no fucking interest in seeing shitty pizzacake and her no-punchline comics or her army of sycophants here on Lemmy.
I will never understand why some of you insist on bringing the garbage we left Reddit to escape over here to Lemmy. Let pizzacake have her tiny window of microcelebrity on reddit and please spare the rest of us this bullshit.
I think you’re asking for the moon here, pal.
You’re not wrong. The fact that I’m fighting a knowing losing battle doesn’t make it less meaningful in my eyes, however.
My sister has lost several friends when they voted MAGA and showed their true, horror selves. My sister is a hero.
We really need a deadly plague that’s easy to vaccinate against.
It’s silly to me to see either side point a finger and say “they do this or that” . The minute you categorized a single person as a group you already lost the argument. This applies to both sides. Don’t be a fool and decide that if your friend votes differently than you that it’s an attack on you personally. There are only 2 main voted for parties with many different stances on many different things all lumped into a party. Just bc you’re in part A doesn’t mean you agree with all of it.
Yeah idk why you’re getting downvoted. A major part of the problem in my opinion is bucketing people and making huge generalizations based off the culture wars that the bourgeoisie has created to get us bickering amongst ourselves.
Comment after 9 month. Come with your main account. XD
This is my only account and not sure what your eluding to here honestly. I don’t comment often nor do I spend much time on social media as I have a career and family to tend to. I still stand by my comment and have nothing to hide.
I seriously had a Right-Wing friend of mine try to tell me that
“The Trans needed some pushback because they were simply demanding too much” Card
Which hurt, especially with a “You need to learn to compromise, we’re not asking much. It’s not going to tear your arm off to put biologically accurate data onto government documents.” Stat Boosting Spell Card he threw down when I pointed out that Trump was ordering people to put M’s on Transwomen’s documentation
I’d never been more insulted in my life. Bro had no clue he was legitimately saying the modern version of “Look the Government just needs to know your background, wearing that Star of David in public isn’t going to get you killed.”
Thankfully he was willing to listen when I pointed that goof out to him… He’s still a Right Winger who’s now willing to walk back his statements in favor of “Agree to disagree”
I love my friend and I’d stand up if his rights were being violated, I’m just horrified to realize he absolutely will not show me the same decency.
“You need to learn to compromise, we’re not asking much. It’s not going to tear your arm off to put biologically accurate data onto government documents.”
Like… Why though? For what reason does the government need this and why would a normal person even care? I could see that it needs to be documented in medical history but even then they should refer to you properly.
God, does the “Asking for too much” card drive me fucking crazy.
These darn queers and their desire to walk the streets without the risk of being beaten to death, how dare them!i used to follow ytubers like that they will listen to reason, but was still “anti-wke this or that” something changed during the pandemic and then went full maga.
Ugh, I hate Right Wing Youtubers. You can see Google’s political bias on full display with them. I always find it suspicious that non-political youtubers can’t say “Kill” in ANY context without it being counted as a swearword on par with the N-Word…
But Right Wingers can say the most hateful shit and are still allowed to have a channel with PragerU platforming LITERAL CHILD ABUSE yet still being allowed to do a show targeted at kids.
There was this DBD Youtuber who was spitting straight facts about the horrible decisions made with the game, and then he moves from his first point (bullshit nerfs that feel so random that it’s likely play testing wasn’t done with them) to talking about how the game is “Unrealistic” and to that I said
“Okay… it’s a dark cartoony game where you play Hide and Seek with Freddy Krueger and the Xenomorph, it 's not meant to be reali… Ah THERE we go.”
Why did I say “THERE we go!” Because he immediately jumps to “Like 1/5 of the cast is canonically gay! But there’s only like .0001% of people who are gay in real life”
And I had to point out that “You were cooking… until you got really homophobic.” in the comments
He actually responds to me and gets into a shouting match.
He goes on and on about how the character David King was “Clearly intended to be a straight man”, because his backstory “Had him be VERY manly!”, and that it was an attack on him personally that he was “Changed to be gay”
I calmly told him that the devs can do whatever they want with their characters. I mean yeah if they said “Oh , btw, Laurie Strode’s a lesbian”, that’d be bad because the job of the guest characters is to show them as they were IN THEIR ORIGINAL FILMS! But… they didn’t make Laurie Strode gay, they made David King, a character Behavior created themselves, gay.
He gave me the same bullshit about “David King’s original story had him being manly!”
I pointed out that David King’s CURRENT story still had him be manly, and that manly men exist in the gay community (With David being something of what they call a “bear” in the gay community), oh and the big one… this wasn’t some recent out of nowhere Overwatch-style retcon, he’d been hard confirmed as gay VERY early on… So, wasn’t sure why he was complaining.
Because I knew that (very common and well-known piece of information), I outted myself to him as “ONE OF THEM!!111”, and he said something to me I’ll never forget.
That I was one of the “queers” ruining America, who was as he put it “Offended by Everything and Ashamed of Nothing!”
Now that was the most mask off he’d been all conversation.
I simply asked what was it he felt that I had to be ashamed of… Never got an answer, so I can only assume he didn’t know himself.
Later I found I was subscribed to him, likely had done so early on in his vid. He was live-streaming killer and complaining about a well-known Youtuber who exposes Toxic Players in the DBD community… The whole stream it was nothing but shitting on this Youtuber for, and get this, defending gay gamers from homophobic bullies instead of “Letting them get what they deserve for shoving it down people’s throats.”
When I realized this I left the stream, downvoted, and unsubscribed.
I wish him well and hope he changes, but since I know he’s unlikely to, deep down I hope he’s having a rusty nail shoved up his dickhole and that it gets infected.
I’ve sadly since learned that the homophobe not only was still at the homophobia game, but had gotten the slogan “Ally to the Community” trending through the Toxic Side of the community as a backhanded way of insulting… anyone Pro-LGBT affiliated with DBD.
My point is, I just hate people who do nothing but hate and how they that despite being the clear aggressor, seem to believe they’re never the ones in the wrong.
Nyway, I should lay down for bed, but before I go I must say
“If they have a problem with things being shoved down their throats they shouldn’t deepthroat so fucking hard.”
This was the last place I expected to see a rant about DbD! There are some trulyawful people in the community, from playing just to waste other people’s time to getting into “us vs them” arguments and hurling insults. I’m glad there’s a few people who go above and beyond to set good examples.
On topic, I don’t get how even if Behaviour retconned characters to be different sexualities impacts our ability to enjoy the game at all. It’s not like the pride charms are going to hurt you, lol!
Right? Behavior created David King, he’s their character, if they wanna say he’s actually a time traveling alien from the future with a singing prehinsle dick, that’s their creative decision. Don’t like it? Don’t fucking play the game. Wanna play the game anyway because it’s fun? Then play it for the game and keep your mouth shut about the story.
The only reason I’m against changing pre-existing characters is because when I see a Superman movie, there’s an expectation of who Superman is going into it. If the movie fails to meet this expectation, than the movie sucks. (You bet your ass I hate Man of Steel)
With DBD, the way I see it, they only have the responsibility to meet my expectations for the licensed characters. For their own people they can do whatever the fuck I want.
What I hate about “BHVR IS DEI!!111” complaints is that they aren’t consistent. I’ve heard people claim “X Characters is bad because she isn’t sexy enough” and then later “Y Character is bad because she’s too sexy, and therefore the self-insert of a developer.” Like, which is it? Is it bad because you have an erection or is it because because you can’t masturbate to a game that is more focused on making you afraid than aroused?
This artstyle looks like “what if Control Alt Delete was drawn by someone who had fashion sense and also talent”.
I like it.
Same, It’s sad that art actually peaked in the 2000’s, everything has to be “On Model” and “Simplified” now.
Is the “just because we disagree on politics we can still get along” frame of mind generally a conservative thing? Because on one hand, it makes sense. On the other hand, I find it very difficult, for example, to look past the fact that some conservatives want to stop aid to Ukraine (as a Ukrainian living in the US).
Indeed, many Conservatives are of the “I just ate, so I guess World Hunger is a myth” variety.
Unless something is specifically happening to them personally, it isn’t THAT big a deal.
A lack of empathy is a hallmark of the ideology.
I chuckled at the “I just ate, so there’s no hunger example” because I have a conservative-leaning friend who was of the “it just rained, so there’s no drought” mentality.
human and civil rights aren’t “politics”
What can someone self identify as though, can I self identify as a specific race, species, nationality, etc… where does one determine where to draw the line?
Clearly its going to be an issue that leads to some disagreement as it is open to ambiguity. If anything can self identify as anything would that be the middle path?
Obviously it has real implications in reality as well, like grants and shelters that go towards a specific demographics that are disproportionately disadvantaged. If people can self identify then it is obviously ripe for exploit, and how do we police that outside of the same witch hunts the anti-trans people are on, so how do we solve this one?
human and civil rights aren’t “politics”
You will agree that human and civil rights, such as the right to keep and bear arms, is not politics? If you disagree, why is your preferred civil rights not politics, but other’s preferred human and civil rights are?
If politics includes the realm of persuading enough people and institutions to adopt or forget laws and standards, however moral of immoral they are, then rights of any kind are political.
Rights aren’t given in society for nothing. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights were created following WWII in which we saw the greatest political conflicts in the modern, technological age. Civil rights, at least in the US, have taken many acts as well as background political pressure to get to where we are today, and this institutionalizing of equal rights among American citizens only started after the US Civil War, the only civil war that country had ever experienced at that point.
Everything is politics.
why not? What definition of politics are you using
Just wanted to say thank you. I never explicitly thought of it this way. Just that human and civil rights are important. I’m going to start framing it this way because it’s the truth.
I guess you’re right.
I was at a loss as to what to do when a few of my friends were expressing support for Trump, knowing that he plans on cutting aid to Ukraine (as well as other fucked up shit).
More often than not, MAGA tend to stab themselves in the back. They just don’t have the self-awareness for it.
The upside to Fascism is that it’s never back in town for long. You don’t have to worry about it becoming the new status quo.
The bad news is, you do absolutely have to fight tooth and nail because although it will take itself out in the end, it will take innocent people with it. The reason we fight is to do three things
Minimize the damage
Make it harder for Fascism to come back
Create a new status quo to replace the one that was so bad that people wanted to do fascism in the first place.
Sometimes they become selfawarewolves. Is there an instance like leopardsatemyface on lemmy?
Edit: yup !leopardsatemyface@lemmy.world
was thinking of saying the knife should be in the back but the artist is right. this is pretty in the front.
Yeah now with trump them trans kids have to show them genituls at sports events.
What do you mean I don’t have insurance anymore? I don’t understand!
I’m honestly surprised we haven’t accused the people demanding “Genital Searches” of being paedos
Pretty much the level of thinking of these people.
A lot are looking at things like COL increases and one party claims they’re gonna lower prices and lower taxes and they don’t think about all the benefits they get from certain policies that are likely to be reversed and seem to think the biggest government budget is foreign aid, so all you have to do is cut that to solve the problems.
But they’ll be happy about it if it hurts someone else they don’t like in the process.
Isn’t that the saddest thing? Imagine being motivated by hatred. Feels like such a shitty thing to live for.
Imagine having so little to be proud of in your life that you chose to side with the oppressors in order to feel some vague sense of accomplishment.
99% of partisan voters do this, unfortunately.
At least, that’s the case if you look back at the last eight years. It’s a testament to the grip that the rich have on the poor here that anyone still votes Democrat or Republican.
BUT, I agree 100%. If your politics are deliberately harmful to marginalized groups, it’s pretty fucked up to make the argument that “it’s just politics”.
Pretty much every damn thing is political.
“it’s just politics” is such an empty statement.
Among my tacklebox of electronic components is a small baggie of microswitches because of my politics. Right to repair and all that, I specifically keep a stock of switches to keep my old Logitech mice going rather than buy new mice. Everything is political.
It’s so easy to ignore how one of Biden’s final acts as president was to deny Transgender Americans healthcare through TRICARE.
Anti-LGBT bills have been flooding state and federal legislatures, and only a handful of Democrats have been brave enough to oppose them.
I have called multiple democratic senators and representatives about the fact that employment and housing protections for transgender people have been stripped in Oklahoma - that it’s been a problem for the last 4 years. No one gives a shit.
I’ve got a TEACH grant that I did 3/4 years of before they made it impossible to continue teaching without moving to another state. I promised to teach in OK for 5 to get further financial incentives. I would love to be in a classroom but it is de facto illegal and several de jure things make that impossible.
No one has given a shit. No one gives a shit. We can get murdered, and our deaths might make the news, but then the state can cover it up (Nex, the trans woman in Grove). The Dems have left POC and LGBT people in the south to fight their States alone.
Pretty much every damn thing is political.
“it’s just politics” is such an empty statement.
Had kind of a similar conversation with my dad recently. “I’m sorry you feel that way.” “Well they’re cutting Medicaid, so we’ll see how that goes for you.”
‘I’m sorry you feel that way.’ He’s sorry you think people should have equal rights?
Your dad doesn’t have a political problem, he has a morality problem.
Even the non-apology “apology” is unacceptable!
Please remind us in four years what happens
“What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?”
This is democracy manifest!
The Left and the Right feels like Feet Guys vs Cannibals chewing on a bunch of toes.
As a leftist feet guy who is regularly chewing on toes I can confirm.
Tolerance paradoxically demands intolerance of the intolerant.
It was pointed out to me a while back that the paradox of tolerance is only a paradox if you consider tolerance to be a philosophical position.
In fact, we don’t treat it like that. We treat it as a social contract, in which context it is no paradox at all to say that if you aren’t tolerant then other people aren’t obliged to tolerate you in turn
The term paradox was used because it comes from the “so much for the tolerant X” instances during mid XXth century. It’s the incorrect assumption that tolerance is somehow a foundational principle of some ideology, mainly left, socialist and communist ideology; just because they were protesting intolerant policy and stances from the right. The right stupidly believes that this means that the left advocates for unlimited tolerance of everything as an extension of fundamental freedoms, like free speech and free thought.
This was at a time when the debate on the lawful limits of freedom in democracies was raging. In comes Karl Popper and produces the formal philosophical formulation of the paradox. He starts at freedom and demonstrates that in order for a free open and peaceful society to exist, then they must be tolerant, but, they must not held tolerance as a tenet, instead being intolerant of any intolerance. It is important as the first philosophical formulation of liberal democratic thinking. It actually distances itself from communism because, according to Popper, communism and even socialism will always end up in bloodshed, violence, and suffering.
The concept of social contract was not unknown to Popper, but it was not necessary for his argument to make sense. For, since Weber, it’s understood as a given that wherever humans happen to live in community, some form of social contract will exist. Popper is not concerned with the existence of the contract, but to argue about its content.
This here - the social contract view needs to be widely adopted
Agreed. Respect for what is essentially the golden rule is the bare minimum to be accepted by a rational society.
That realization was life-changing for me. It finally gave me the clarity to walk away from toxic relationships, knowing they were the ones holding back any real growth.
The only downside is that trying to explain this to someone intolerant just gets you labeled, quote, “a stupid science bitch who can’t make them smarter.”
science bitches are the best kind
smart is sexy!
It’s not really a paradox when you think about it. In fact, it’s absolutely necessary.
Yeah i originally was going to write “seemingly paradoxically” but it made it seem more like I was saying “seems to demand…” And I wanted to make sure it came across as a definite, if you know what i mean.
Specifically the lactose intolerant.
I have a theory about lactose intolerance. You now how humans in general just struggle with digesting lactose unless the body has built up enzymes over time. I think lactose intolerant people are just dairy addicts haha.
I’ll just leave this here… (see alt/hover text for TLDR)
Those are ok, they can stay.
Usually they tend to move around reaching for a bathroom :p
It’s Karl Popper time!
Curious. How does that work when someone is beating you with a baseball bat or robbing you?
As MartianSands pointed out, tolerance is not a philosophy; it is a social contract. When intolerance breaks that contract, the tolerant are under no obligation to tolerate it.
You don’t tolerate it…? Is this supposed to be a trick question? Sometimes when you don’t tolerate something, you are largely powerless against it and it still happens. Sucks, but that’s life. You don’t have to roll over and present your balls to the bat though.
My trumpet sister has wisely stopped praising her false god in my presence when they visit at least
Charisma increases by +10
I tried to support this artist on Patreon. Heard there were NSFW comics there. Well, yes, but mostly a creepy OnlyFans-esque collection of nearly nude sexy photos of the artist, with frequent calls for payment for explicit nudes.
(Edit from below, as I figure out what I’m trying to say) It’s a sort of emotional bait and switch. “Come support me, there’s nsfw comics.” “Ooh I love those, my wife loves those, I’m in.” “Whoops, actually there’s also these risqué photos. Maybe your wife will be ok with it, maybe not. You can choose to have the conversation if you want. But now I’ve handed you a problem, unless you want to just immediately unsubscribe. In which case I still keep the money but you get nothing. Thanks for your support!” (End of edit)
Only artist Patreon I’ve ever unsubscribed from for content reasons. (I’m married, intended to support an artist, not to gawk at an OnlyFans.) From what I can tell from kemono (Patreon content mirror - visit with Adblock on), she’s still doing it.
I’m genuinely not sure if I’m being too sensitive or if this is genuinely behavior that shouldn’t be supported. Comics like this one are really good. I’m torn.
I’m genuinely not sure if I’m being too sensitive or if this is genuinely behavior that shouldn’t be supported.
Too sensitive.
It is perfectly fine that you don’t like the behaviour, but that doesn’t mean the behaviour isn’t valid.
I also think it is strange, but not something detrimental. You subscribe to her account, you get comics and nudes. I don’t see a problem with that, but I can understand if it’s problematic for you due to different surrounding circumstances.
It’s a valid point and complaint that they went to the Patreon page of a comic artist looking for comics, and got something entirely different to what they were looking for.
There’s a lot more porn on the Internet than good comic strips.
You have to pay at a certain tier to get the nudity. If you don’t, then you don’t get anything explicit.
It’s detrimental when low-effort, inane, late comics like the above get posted constantly and her rabid, parasocial-brain pay-masturbators proceed to harass any valid criticism.
Low-effort? Maybe, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. Inane? That’s a completely invalid argument and shows you’re just trying to be insulting. Everything else you say is true.
It is absolutely inane. You know what the poorly drawn, oddly-sized, barely present, not-even-bleeding knife-wound adds? Nothing. Who reading this requires a stabbing to understand the context? Nobody. How many months and from how many thousands of MAGA morons has she profited in advertising her titty photos with bland, humourless, safe comics? She could have had no knife and made it clear that yes even just supporting MAGA is stillbdetrimental to your “friend”. Or she could have leaned into her idea and had a knife-wound that actually looks like a knife-wound. Nope. Make it silly, take the edge off, keep it safe, please don’t unsubscribe if you’re not actually knifing transpeople then you’re probably fine.
Man, you have some weirdly strong feelings towards something you can just ignore and let other people enjoy.
that your comment is 2/1 is just dumb.
sometimes social media is stupid, all of those people who gave you downvotes for that are stupid
It could have just been the person who has now been banned from Lemmy.world and has been creating accounts to downvote me.
Pizzacake is incredibly popular, therefore there will be a crowd who vehemently defends every action. ¯\(°_o)/¯
I’m genuinely not sure if I’m being too sensitive or if this is genuinely behavior that shouldn’t be supported.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with that content existing, and being something people can pay for, but you’re also not being too sensitive for not personally wanting to pay that artist, if your surrounding circumstances would make the access to explicit content then seem a little unsavory in your particular case.
Ideally, that artist would let you pay for just the non-NSFW content, or simply send a tip/donation directly, instead of requiring the NSFW content to be bundled with any attempt at payment, but that doesn’t mean that offering NSFW content itself “shouldn’t be supported,” even if it’s not desirable in your case.
Ideally, that artist would let you pay for just the non-NSFW content
They do. I don’t know if this person just decided to grab the highest tier without reading or something, but the lowest tiers don’t have anything explicit associated with them.
It’s pretty hard to miss too. I just went there from the link in their comic:
“Character Cosplays” is the second item in the lowest tier, and includes like hand-bra photos and images that are clearly the first couple images leading into a strip tease.
It’s a sort of emotional bait and switch. “Come support me, there’s nsfw comics.” “Ooh I love those, my wife loves those, I’m in.” “Whoops, actually there’s also these risqué photos. Maybe your wife will be ok with it, maybe not. You can choose to have the conversation if you want. But now I’ve handed you a problem, unless you want to just immediately unsubscribe. In which case I still keep the money but you get nothing. Thanks for your support!”
Oh damn well I stand corrected
No worries. You did the right thing looking for details, and when my complaint was about sexual images, it’s reasonable to see the clearly sexual descriptions in the higher tiers and assume that was it.
Absolutely. If there was a set of tiers that had NSFW drawn comics and absolutely zero mention of any risqué photos, I’d subscribe again. “Character Cosplays” is in every tier and really shouldn’t be. (And should really be clearer that this includes like hand-bra photos and such. “Note: contains sexually suggestive photos of the artist” or something.)
She is within her rights, and so are you.
Ironically, this is valid version of the above comic’s invalid application of agreeing to disagree. Neither of you are hurting the other by having differing opinions.
If you haven’t already, you should send a message to the artist voicing your moral support but explaining why you can’t financially support her.
More power to them. And you did what you’re meant to do on the internet, “I don’t like that” leave and move on. Thinking about it and justifying yourself is a bit weird.
I think you’re being too sensitive tbh. The artist probably really needs the money if they’re doing onlyfans. Just let your partner see the what and why, and there shouldn’t be an issue.
I don’t care to support any only fans content. At the same time, I love the art the comic creator creates. I relate to your feeling of being torn
Out of curiosity, what did they look like?
Not every photo was like this, but the ones that forced my hand were clearly suggestive of a strip-tease. And that specifically is what I didn’t want in my Patreon feed, in between her NSFW comics (which I enjoyed!) and other pervy content creators and, you know, retro gaming and science YouTubers.
My wife looks at pervy stuff too, and we share links / peep at each other’s monitors, etc. And honestly she might be totally fine with it, especially if I explained it. I just felt like it wasn’t worth having an uncomfortable conversation with my wife over. It felt like an inconsiderate emotional bait and switch. “Hey Reddit, come to my Patreon for pervy comics.” … “Now that you’ve already paid, and unsubscribing would mean I keep the money and you get nothing … surprise, there’s also nearly-nude or hand-bra-type pics, that you can’t remove, with frequent reminders that the $50 tier gets full nudes. Now I’ve handed you a problem. Now you have to deal with this. Thanks for your support!”
I don’t think kemono has everything archived but you can see enough there to get a picture of what she’s been doing. And I want to take a moment to subvert that scummy call-and-response site spam pattern that gets used. I’ve only ever visited this site with ublock Origin on Firefox, so it could have the worst sort of pop up cancer and I wouldn’t know any better. If you visit, keep your shields up. But kemono seems to be a site that mirrors Patreon and other similar sites, via users contributing their logged in session keys and letting the site mirror whatever they have access to. I didn’t know about kemono dot Sierra Uniform until recently and I have no idea if references to it are kosher. But there you go.
Didn’t see her Patreon or OF but She really look like IRL version of Comic Character.
I think I would be the same way tbh. Like I don’t care that they do it, but I defo wouldn’t expect it in the same place as art content. Although it’s allowed, I think I would do the same as what you did.
Most of the comics artist do NSFW on Patreon. It’s nothing too crazy. I guess. Like top of artist on r/comics make NSFW comics on Patreon.
I think you misunderstood, this was pictures of the artist naked, not erotic art.
Which is definitely not something most artists do.
I don’t know anything about this particular artist, but nude photography is super normal in the art world at large? I’m confused as to what makes nude photography ‘not art’ to you.
I don’t want to see most internet artists naked. If she’s pretty and talented, then more power to her.
Oh didn’t know that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There is a difference between nsfw drawings and nudes of the actual artist
I would not say you’re being overly sensitive. I think it’s frustrating that they don’t just have a separate patreon or OF for that kind of content.
If you’re trying to understand an artist then you’ve already failed.
…at first i thought this was because some left Parties don’t care about all these stabbings.
But that’s more an issue in Western Europe then while MAGAs show their potential of destructivity in US.
Philosophy Tube recently did a great video on exactly this. It’s on Nebula for those who subscribe.