Americans think that universal healthcare is communism. And for Americans communism is the pure evil and thus they prefer to die because they can’t afford life saving treatments instead of working towards implementing an universal health care system.
If people were respectful of people with impairments and their needs, instead of hijacking the terminology for playground insults, there would be no treadmill.
Everyone is temporarily abled, at best.
The issue is not whether their needs are special or exceptional. It’s that there are needs that need to be met.
I think I read it wrong. I thought it was making fun of tankies.
The mouse ignores the death trap for free cheese.
The tankies ignore China’s abuses and praise it because it has free healthcare? I used to see that sort of thing unironically all the time before I blocked grad and hexbear.
People will ignore all of the genocides and human rights violations communist countries are responsible for and only focus on the small handful of things it does right.
Good ideas in theory don’t always work the way we foresee, in practice. That doesn’t mean we can’t look at successes and failures and improve the practice or even the ideas. Interestingly, if communism never works, why are certain nations determined to rush in and topple fairly elected communist leaders, before we have a chance to see their ideas in action? Why was Evo Morales demonized?
I’m sorry, can someone explain this to me?
Americans think that universal healthcare is communism. And for Americans communism is the pure evil and thus they prefer to die because they can’t afford life saving treatments instead of working towards implementing an universal health care system.
Ah yes. Riding American exceptionalism all the way down.
The Canadian school system has begun replacing the term “special needs” with “exceptional.” A student is “exceptional” and has “exceptionalities.”
Seeing “American exceptionalism” has a completely different meaning to me now.
I thought this was a joke, but no, the euphemism treadmill never stops turning
If people were respectful of people with impairments and their needs, instead of hijacking the terminology for playground insults, there would be no treadmill.
Everyone is temporarily abled, at best.
The issue is not whether their needs are special or exceptional. It’s that there are needs that need to be met.
The word exceptional didn’t always mean better. It used to just mean different, as in an exception to the rule.
If everybody could get insulin (even if they stock shelves or got laid-off from a tech/gig company), that’s when it’s a Joseph Stalin.
If you are not either rich or in possession of a working pancreas, that means you have displeased god.
It’s pretty simple: no iPhone vuvuzela, sixteen trillion dead!
I wouldn’t waste your energy trying to understand it, if I were you. It’s just the usual idiotic “FrEe HeALtHcArE iS cOmMuniSm!!1!” take.
There are plenty of countries that do free healthcare without resorting to authoritarianism.
I think I read it wrong. I thought it was making fun of tankies. The mouse ignores the death trap for free cheese. The tankies ignore China’s abuses and praise it because it has free healthcare? I used to see that sort of thing unironically all the time before I blocked grad and hexbear.
People will ignore all of the genocides and human rights violations communist countries are responsible for and only focus on the small handful of things it does right.
Genocides and human rights violations are America’s top exports. When did we become commies?
And here comes the whataboutism. 🙄
Wrong, here comes deez nutz
Wait, I have another.
More like whataboutdeeznutsism
Good ideas in theory don’t always work the way we foresee, in practice. That doesn’t mean we can’t look at successes and failures and improve the practice or even the ideas. Interestingly, if communism never works, why are certain nations determined to rush in and topple fairly elected communist leaders, before we have a chance to see their ideas in action? Why was Evo Morales demonized?
I don’t get it.
It’s ok.
You probably didn’t explain it well. Have you tried taking your schizo meds?