Imma call one thing out; 01/06 was not predictable. Every single one of us watched in pure shock. I watched 8 hours, live, and I cannot do it again, shit left me with PTSD-light. I’ve done and seen some crazy shit in life, but not like that.
Dude, I was watching live coverage of the 01/06 proceedings and saw the early breakouts of the problem and then the devolution of it.
Wanna know why I was watching such a boring, non-event? Because everyone with a Twitter account, the ability to read, and a pulse knew that Trump’s supporters absolutely were going to try something on 01/06.
If I knew there was a good enough probability that something would go down that I was watching live coverage of what’s typically not even something anyone ever talks about, the event was completely and utterly predictable.
Imma call one thing out; 01/06 was not predictable. Every single one of us watched in pure shock. I watched 8 hours, live, and I cannot do it again, shit left me with PTSD-light. I’ve done and seen some crazy shit in life, but not like that.
Here’s the PBS trailer:
If anyone can take it, I’d suggest a refresher course. The event was worse than even I remember, and I’m a hater from day 1.
All you can eat documentaries:
Dude, I was watching live coverage of the 01/06 proceedings and saw the early breakouts of the problem and then the devolution of it.
Wanna know why I was watching such a boring, non-event? Because everyone with a Twitter account, the ability to read, and a pulse knew that Trump’s supporters absolutely were going to try something on 01/06.
If I knew there was a good enough probability that something would go down that I was watching live coverage of what’s typically not even something anyone ever talks about, the event was completely and utterly predictable.