“Be quiet small man”… smallest dick energy I’ve seen today.
Isn’t it becoming quite widely known now that he’s gotten a bad penile implant?
his brain is as broken as his willy
Musk is gonna be copping a lot of that in response to his tweets now.
I can’t fucking stand that douche. I wish Luigi would visit that cocksucker. Man, that feels good to say. Fuck Reddit too!
Look at it this way, if they did indeed arrest and frame an innocent man for convenience, maybe he will.
Elon Musk needs to be killed already.
I got permanently banned from Reddit for saying this. 17 hours and it’s still up uh
Edit: whoops 17 upvotes, not 17 hours ☺️
I got IP banned on Reddit for saying that someone who pushed a woman on a bike over and made her fall, should be pushed instead. Big violence on my part lmfao
.world gave up moderating Saint Luigi. I don’t know what .uk’s stance was
Fuck it feels good to say that doesn’t it?
Love it when the fucking around leads to finding out
Holy shit that jump is crazy. Carlos Slim related as well I assume.
That’s weird: Musk and Trump are doing exactly what one would if they were Russian assets, bent on destroying western alliances… You don’t have to believe all the evidence that they are… Just imagine that these 2 billionaires are compromised. What would they do at this exact moment in history…?
Elon Musk’s atoms are poorly arranged for maximizing utility to the human race and would be better served if they were rearranged into fertilizer for feedcrops. At present they are just in a cloud of un-thought. Utilitarianism must be respected.
When the war was turning in Ukraine’s favor and they were about to push into Russia, he shut it off and crippled their counter offensive. I remember. Fuck Elon and fuck starlink.
Not push into Russia, but attempting to retake Crimea.
They’re presumably talking about the Kursk Oblast.Edit: probably not, see responses.IIRC that was long after that. The initial shutoff of Starlink happened around the explosions targeting the Crimean bridge and them introducing their naval drones.
Exactly, he basically messed up the offensive to retake Crimea.
Elon & Trump are Russia’s greatest weapons.
Which is why Starlink needs to be confiscated and managed by NATO. Somebody has to operate it, and it should be an entity who is on the side of Freedom amd Democracy.
It’s not that easy to confiscate sattelites
Sure it is. You just confiscate the infrastructure that operates them here on earth, and order their employees to comply.
I don’t think that this would be a good idea, but it is definitely doable.
When it comes to stuff like this, the USA is like a tax heaven: outside of international jurisdiction and never signed any cooperation agreement with foreign powers. The USA is the best place to run shady business right now
Oh no I’m hearing from people that wa a technical glitch.
Close. There was a geobarrier that he refused to remove. Because attacks against Russia are aggression.
Is he calling people small now to compensate for his fat ass looking like Doctor Robotnik?
Calling someone else a small man really shows what kind of man he is
It’s quite an interesting insight into what kind of thing Musk himself feels is a great insult (hence he is susceptible to it) as well as how much Musk thinks his opinion counts for people such as the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, all of which dovetails with the idea that the guy suffers from both Megalomania and Narcisistic Personality Disorder.
For any reasonably well adjusted person in a position of responsability such as being the Foreign Minister of a country the size of Poland (or, frankly, for anybody self-aware and self-confident), being called “small man” by somebody like Elon Musk is roughly the equivalent in importance to being barked at by a dog that cannot actually harm you.
For a person who is afraid of being assassinated, he’s pissing off a lot of people with the resources who could get him assassinated.
There is no substitute for Starlink"
The fuck did he think militaries use before 2020?
The high orbit low speed predecessor.
Nationalize SpaceX and deport Musk to South Africa where he belongs.
(Ok maybe nationalize it under the next administration… if there is a next one)
I have a question is an immigrant allowed to be vice president ?
No right ?
Please consult this reference manual: https://smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=235
That’s right, I think foreign born citizens can hold any office except president or vp
VP has the same requirements as President, which exclude Musk because he isn’t a citizen by birth. Musk was essentially put in the highest possible position he could be that didn’t require him to be elected or confirmed by Congress.
Which is why he needed a puppet to be President for him. I don’t know that he ideally wanted a puppet he’d have to time-share with Putin, but that’s the puppet he bought.
And I firmly believe that aside from the occasional going off script as a kind of tantrum that Trump is entirely a puppet - consider the narcissism and desire to exude power that he has, and then look at him in the photos of that meeting where Elon was in the Oval Office with little Kevlar Musk and just how defeated Trump looks. He knows his choices were win office or be buried by the courts, and he signed whatever deals with whatever devils were necessary to guarantee it happened, he’s owned by Elon and Putin, he knows it and that eats at him.
Abandon fucking Starlink and use Eutelsat. Poland should also stop buying US made weapon systems.
As much as I hate Elmo, you can fold Starlink terminal flat and put in a backpack and it weights around 6 kilogram and costs around $500, Eutelsat „portable” OW70L is fucking chonky dome that weights 30 kilos, costs $2000 and needs to be transported in a car. They need to seriously up their game, and do it fast.
He also challenged Zuck to a cage match and chickened out when Zuck accepted. They’re both pieces of shit.
He even chickened out of his recent offer to come on the Daily Show and debate Jon Stewart! He’s a Nazi coward even when it’s just talking…
Did he officially bow out then? Jon gave him all the conditions he wanted too…
Lol I forgot about that! Yeah fuck em both of course, but I feel like most folks would put their money on the ex-KGB agent who seized and kept control of freakin’ Russia over nepo-baby “gamer”, “engineer” Musk. What a goofy threat. And I say that as a middling gamer and engineer myself lol
feel like most folks would put their money on the ex-KGB agent who seized and kept contr
Putin is 5’ 7", like 160 lbs, and 70 years old. Elon is 6’2", probably 200 lbs, and 52 years old.
I don’t think fitness and training can overcome 20 years, 50 lbs, and a full head of height.
Huh great point!
and a full head of height.
I thought you were gonna say “full head of transplanted hair,” but I was disappointed. I’ve seen tiny guys take on bigger dudes when they have more skill. The age thing is more what I might think of as an advantage for that doughy chud.
Musk is so fucked up he’s gonna make some noises, groan, then shit himself after the first attempt at a swing
70’s isn’t too shabby in this day and age for a well kept physique, it’s 80+ the rot cements itself.
As a 6’2" dude, 200 lbs is pretty skinny. I’d bet Musk is closer to 250 lbs of useless fascist.
Putin also practiced judo for most of his life. Musk won’t be standing for long during the match.
It’s Zuck and Elon not Elon and Putin.
The Tweet linked in the OP is Musk claiming that he challenged Putin to a fist fight.
Oh I missed that part. Thanks. I tend not to read his tweets because they make me angry.
I hate Zuck but in this match I’m thinking if it’s not mutually assured destruction, then I might root for Zuck. Elon is becoming a very big problem.
Or 400 pounds of semtex under the cage. 2 birds, one ring.
I would literally give away a kidney to see that live, through binoculars from about a half mile away.
Zuck is actually fit, trains, and is 10 years younger, hence why Elon chickened out.
I don’t respect Putin very much, but I am 1000 percent sure that a former KGB agent will whoop Musks ass. Apart from that, wtf is he trying to show with challenging Putin to physical combat. What does that have to do with Ukraine?
He’s just a moron.
At least Zuckerberg looks good now. Musk looks like shite
Eh, I’d say he looks less like a robot rather than good. But yeah.
The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human…sweat, bad breath, everything.
Don’t let the fascists fool you, there are alternatives to Starlink. Eutelsat in France, Telesat in Canada and Inmarsat in the UK, just to name a few examples.
Why is starlink being used, do you know?
It’s faster, cheaper, and on the tech side more reliable (definitely not politically reliable though).
My guess is better coverage and latency with its sheer number of satellites.
They use low earth orbit, which require them to use more satellites, but lowered latency.
Technically, and this is purely semantics, coverage is the major downside to starlink. They are faster, though.
The coverage of satellites has an exponential factor of the distance of that satellite to earth. If you had the satellite further out then its signal could reach a wider area before being cut off by the curvature of the earth. However, as the distance increases, so does latency.
Now, I don’t know, but I would assume its the latency. Starlink has a (impressively) low ping of < 100ms, while existing alternatives usually have 600ms+. Now, that’s only relevant if they are using it for stuff like flying drones.
I think you’d notice half a second even just browsing the Web.
Yes, but a wep page loading slow isn’t critical. Controlling armed drones in a battle is.
Starlink has enough uplink to be able to handle live video streams and a latency low enough to do this with simple tools.
I’m not sure if that still happens, but I’ve seen some pictures of Ukrainian command bunkers literally getting drone feeds using discord screen share.
“Would you like to upgrade to Nitro”
It’s weird because Starlink hasn’t been around that long that we should have become reliant on it yet.
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