There were many lingua francas of which French was supposedly the first global lingua franca. That changed and it became English (from what I understand). We will probably see another language become the lingua franca, so my question is: should it be English? Are there better candidates out there? Why / why not?
The wrong use of “der/die/das” in German does not really bother. Everyone will understand the sentence if it’s done wrong. Since there is no rule to be derived as to how to use the article correctly, you simply have to learn it with the word itself like in other languages, too. (Why is a car a “female” in French? “La voiture” - I won’t ever understand, also in Swedish: “en” or “ett” words eg. “vatten” .) There are some rules in German, like ending on “-er” is often a “male” word, but not consistent… It’s only a clue. But sometimes it doesn’t matter at all: “der Joghurt”, “die Joghurt”, “das Joghurt” - all genders are correct, so just try. 😂
But it could be worse: “Czech, Slovak and Rusyn: Masculine animate, Masculine inanimate, Feminine, Neuter (traditionally, only masculine, feminine and neuter genders are recognized, with animacy as a separate category for the masculine).”
It’s definitely “der Joghurt” tho.
fite me
ahahaha this must be one of those rare cases where Duden is wrong 😅