@person1 I work in publishing for schools and it is *so* difficult/expensive to publish support for literature or media. Fair use & fair dealing laws can only get you so far. Great Gatsby finally coming out of copyright was a big moment. But the reason it’s come out is of course because it’s not actually recent literature any more.
Yup. A lot of US income comes from predatory IP laws.
@person1 imagine if we applied normal copyright to Disney
yeah. it is called disney law in usa for a reason
…or was it mickey mouse law
@person1 I work in publishing for schools and it is *so* difficult/expensive to publish support for literature or media. Fair use & fair dealing laws can only get you so far. Great Gatsby finally coming out of copyright was a big moment. But the reason it’s come out is of course because it’s not actually recent literature any more.
what do you mean by “publish support”?