Honestly, given the cult-like obsession of Trump followers, I can’t even imagine a video like that making much of an impact on them. Sadly…
Are you suggesting statues of liberty migrate?
Will they use MLA or Chicago for their citations?
Um… he helped developed the V rockets program, and only left after the war. So the nazis didn’t really lose him…
If your business model is predicated on breaking the law then you don’t deserve to exist.
All of Wall Street sweating nervously
I mean, I’d say there’s a qualitative difference between industrial products and a novel, for example.
Apparently part of the treaty that returned the canal to Panama means that either Panama or the US can unilaterally ensure the canal’s neutrality if they feel it is threatened. So I’m sure they could make the argument that it falls under this. It would be bullshit, of course, but so are all of their other arguments.
I would like to visit your cafe
The word and the place is a fun bit of trivia!
I mean, I’m going to guess that if this administration wants to do something, then international laws about place of origin don’t matter anymore either.
The only way I can interpret this is that you seem to think that land area somehow equates to population. So I’m curious as to how Russia should have 200 million soldiers. After they draft their entire population where are they getting the extra 50 million-ish people?
until you irreparably damage your liver and/or kidneys
Hold on, I’m a pervert but I’m not that perverted.
So what? I do too. It ain’t special.
Maybe the real saddam is the memes we made along the way :P
Galaxy brain take: Let the hurricane winds rub you off
They’ve never cared, much less thought about intersex people a day in their lives.
You know how a bunch of villains are Dr. So-and-So? I bet it’s dealing with morons talking about your area of expertise that leads to one’s villain era.