He’s a raving lunatic with the most powerful army in the world at his disposal, who has threatened to annex multiple sovereign states - and no checks or balances.
He’s a raving lunatic with the most powerful army in the world at his disposal, who has threatened to annex multiple sovereign states - and no checks or balances.
It will.
This is good advice, but I think Roblox is a game marketplace/platform, which makes that more difficult. It’s a harder sell to explore the social features as a family than a game.
St John’s to St Pierre, with a branch line to Miquelon.
I’ve got pets and just having the hair off the floors on a regular basis without having to spend 20 min a day hauling a vacuum around strikes me as being a nice labor savings. But I haven’t sprung for one yet.
Setting side the CSAM you found, you’ve got enough reasons to break up. Do it.
Do your best to report the material, but be safe. Some countries make it dangerous and hard to report, I understand. Do what you can.
I have a suspicion that a lot of people, when faced with this problem, just say “Sure, looks good to me. It’s legacy, so it’s been working forever,” and carry on with their day.
But - I could be mistaken.
A gentle reminder to not buy things you don’t need simply because they’re supposedly Canadian, or replace things simply because they’re from USA.
Billionaires don’t need more funding.
I think there is the threat of American producers trying to keep prices from going up too much by finding ways to suppress wages for workers and by just making products crappier, since their primary focus will be squeezing every possible penny of profit out of every sale.
America never had good labour laws, and the anti-union propaganda has created generations who don’t know why unions were created in the first place. I don’t see this ending well for American labour.
Donnie doesn’t have a stable policy, and the immediacy of the tariffs simply will result in higher prices. Farmers can’t go back in time and plant alternate crops - the imports are necessary. Steel plants can’t just re-tool for a product that used to come from Brazil or Canada overnight. If the goal is to bring back the jobs, companies need time to adjust and plan and invest.
Bringing back drug manufacturing is important for many reasons, but drug safety is high on that list too. Sterile products shouldn’t be made in a factory where workers are allowed to be barefoot. Drugs that fail microbiology quality tests shouldn’t simply be retested until they pass.
If you don’t have young kids, you don’t get sick nearly as often. It’s not like having a sick kid at home is a vacation. I don’t begrudge my coworkers their time off for illness or supporting family members with illness.
Yes, we know that the far right in Europe is supported by Pooty. This doesn’t represent a breakdown in unity.
That could - by no means a guarantee - result in vote splitting and worse outcomes.
“It’s not the people,” she said. “Everyone has been amazing and nice and kind.”
It is those people. The majority were silent and let this happen, or they voted directly for it. Now they continue to enable him.
I think I’m being overly charitable, but there are some really awful products available if you don’t spend some time looking before buying.
It’s similar to Putin waxing poetic about Ukraine, to a degree.
“We’re so mad that you manufacture things cheaper than us, that we’re gonna make it so we pay more for those things.”
America doesn’t have aluminum manufacturing capacity. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/aluminum-kitimat-quebec-tariffs-jobs-1.7472032
That’s not fair to the workers in the store. It’s not management that’s cleaning up.
They’re both targeted towards commercial or government business, which is unfortunate from an individual subscriber perspective. I would love to see a euro competitor to Starlink and Kuiper, so I can unplug my Starlink.
Iris2 looks like a traditional Euro project with a dozen companies from different countries involved, to make sure the funding isn’t concentrated in one country. SpaceX has the advantage of improved integration in comparison.
I hope you’re right. I think that billionaire seeing markets dry up might be the only thing to slow it down though. With Canada, the USA has most if not all the natural resources it needs.