I got into photogrammetry earlier this year and was sad to see that Meshroom could only work on CUDA graphics cards. I found a fork of meshroom called MeshroomCL, that had some of the features ported over to opencl. However I had issues with getting “Camera: Not Reconstructed” errors on images.
I probably should have looked into other non cuda alternatives, but ended up buying a new GPU instead. My previous one was 7 years old, so it was time for an upgrade regardless. The regular version of meshroom is working fine, as long as I capture enough images of the target object.
Tässä on vähän samaa tuntua, kuin Diasporassa aikoinaan. Tällä kertaa kiinnostus vaikuttaa myös vähän laajemmalta, kuin aikoinaan, jolloin asiasta puhuttiin vain alan foorumeilla.