It’s just like when the idiots got themselves imploded in the submarine. There wasn’t even a fraction of a second of mourning. Straight to the memes.
I feel bad for the kid, he didn’t want to go on that trip. But the ceo dumbass dying because his ego wouldn’t allow him to listen to his engineers was excellent.
I mean, billionaires dying is fucking hilarious
It feels like there is more celebration this time than with the sub. The sub was basically a suicide, a death as a result of arrogance.
This one on the other hand is different. It’s almost certainly an instance of revenge on some level, either for a loved one or themself. And the celebration in turn seems to have responded to that.
“Don’t weep for the stupid, you’ll be crying all day.”
-Father Alexander Anderson
“lol check out this sick meme”
Think of the global parties that will happen when trump finally choked on a hamberder…
They’ll have to have security as his grave 24/7 to prevent people from shitting on it. And, unfortunately, probably from praying to it.
Speaking of which, I had recently commented on another website that Trump might be the first president whose grave is assigned Secret Service detail.
I was half joking at the time, but things you might read about in The Onion have more or less transitioned from satire to prophecy.
I have often dreamed of pissing on this thing. If it’s got guards, I’m going to fill a jar and drop it via drone.
Just make sure it’s beautiful, clean piss.
I’m sure the doofwads will set up a 24 hour guard of Cletus, Blermp, and SteveJack waltzing around it like the Unknown Soldier tomb
I don’t know, Thatcher’s grave doesnt seem to have that much security, neither does Reagan’s
we had bad luck Brian, now say hello to bad karma Brian.
He is Jacob Marley. The rest of the CEOs are Scrooge. It’s not to late to change your ways you cold-blooded motherfuckers.
Better start handing out raises and christmas turkeys or else embrace a life where you can’t show your face in public without rolling the dice.
The shooter was dressed as the ghost of xmas yet to come.
Bit more than half
Probably less than half. Most people outside of the USA don’t care.
I’m outside the US but I still think it’s cool and good
Same here (and everyone I’ve talked to)
The great thing about living outside the USA is I still get to enjoy the memes, without suffering from what they’re about.
Mate, the entire developed world thinks America is a joke, and the US healthcare system is a crime against humanity. The world literally agrees that this scab getting murdered is justice because your system is so parasitic and evil. It’s darkly hilarious, and it’s given us all a break from having to hear about Musk and Trump.
In fact, the only people who think a verifiably sociopathic parasite oligarch getting murdered is wrong, are fucking braindead morons.
Ech. What ugly, soulless eyes.
Curious how much this image gives me the same ick as seeing a tapeworm slowly squirm.
Honestly the “smile” snarl gets me more almost
I only recently learn the name of that guy and the name of his company.
Maybe half of the USA is dancing but certainly half of the world.Did you not get the memo? There is nothing outside the US. How else can the winner of a national championship be the world champion? /s
I do live in a faraway country were the sun barely get down some time in the year, and barely up some other. It was once, according to the folk memory a place full of dragons, sirens and other dangerous creatures.
I wouldn’t call him a hero. We know nothing about them. They’re just the result of a societal sickness.
They could be the cannibal rapist for all we care. That person is an example to everyone.
Soar, Lenin’s banner,
That always calls forward.
With it half of world is going with us.
One day - entire world will go.
- Proposed version of post-Stalin soviet anthem
If an oak blocks the sunlight, you don’t pick an acorn, but chop the whole tree down