The sequence of events as far as I can recall:
- Trump promised to ban TikTok
- TikTok was slated to be “banned” in the twilight of Biden’s term
- Trump says he’d give it 90 days to make a decision
- Biden decides not to ban it, handing it off to Trump
- TikTok goes dark
- It returns, but if you search for something anti-Trump in the United States, you can’t find it
- Using a VPN will give you that content
- Various news outlets are now calling it Trump’s “Propaganda Arm”
What the fuck is going on? From a political or technological standpoint.
Fascism from a technological and political perspective
It’s clear Trump wants to control all social media within the US.
- Musk took twitter and turned it into a far right hate speech platform
- Zuckerberg has a private meeting with Trump. Next day donates $1m to the inaugural fund. Facebook, Instagram and Threads remove fact-checking in the US and Zuckerberg. There’s some very odd fuckery afoot with left searches that are blamed on a technical glitch.
- Tiktok is threatened with closure. They suddenly align themselves with Trump and the lights stay on.
- Google’s boss, Sundar Pichai, is lauded and given a seat of honour at Trump’s inauguration. It’s clear there are established links there.
- Reddit - I don’t know, but Steve Huffman has a /serious/ adoration of Elon Musk and is fond of money and power. If it’s not already in the fold, it will be soon.
I’d put money on that we’re already seeing left and anti-trump messages suppressed, and algorithms adjusted to promote division and discord - not just in the US, but globally. We’ll be seeing platforms other than the above attacked and inflitrated constantly by bots and AI. We’ll reach a point where you literally will be talking to yourself if you are against this. Your messages will just disappear to the point where you question your own reality. Shadowbanned online. Is Lemmy safe? No, not remotely. Decentralisation helps somewhat, but when the heavy guns are laying down suppressing fire from bot armies and destablising agendas - or even just being ruled illegal for some made-up reason, decentralisation doesn’t allow you to fight.
Jim Morrison said, "“Whoever controls the media controls the mind. The media is the message and the message is me.”
The aim here is obvious, and it’s not new. The method is just adjusted for modern day. And truth? Say goodbye to that sucker.
uhh social media has been controlled by the CIA since near its inception.
At least the CIA supposedly cared about national security.
Just because fans of CIA information think it means national security, actual term is preventing the homeland from being invaded. Internalizing hatred information to support war and destabilization of other countries is the CIA mind controlling you.
Yeah but they’re the good guys right?
It’s clear Trump wants to control all social media within the US.
And he didn’t even really have to do anything to do it. Capitalism just took its natural course and they all lined up to ride his Toad.
You forgot step 1: Trump promises to ban TikTok.
Yes that is important!
And that was also step 9, according to his comments yesterday.
i can understand your confusion: actions speak louder than words; so break it down based on what they did (not what they said) to make it make sense:
- trump tries to ban tiktok and fails
- biden, democrats & republicans try to ban tiktok and they succeed
- tiktok goes dark because it is banned
- trump promises to issue an executive order to save tiktok and follows through
- tiktok is back, but now has to depend on trump for its survival so it’ll do whatever trump wants
Except it went dark before the law had a chance to be enforced, and was back up before trump was ever in office and able to use executive orders. So points 3 and 4 have nothing to do with the actual law and are decisions completely from within tiktok
Biden also announced he wasn’t enforcing the law. The TikTok operators saw the writing on the wall and realized they need to bend the knee to Trump.
Don’t get too hung up on specific dates. Laws are not some physical law like gravity that are present and universal. They exist within a fuzzy context of enforcement and interpretation.
Biden made clear he wasn’t going to enforce the law. Trump made clear he was going to make a decision based on how well Tiktok flattered and bribed him. So that’s exactly what they’ve done.
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It went dark after the judicial review process found that the law was constitutional.
The important thing to recognize is that the site stopped operating in the us (which it said it would do in reaction to this decision) after it was clear that it would definitely be violating a law with explicit consequences if it continued.
One unremarked-upon aspect of the events between Saturday and Sunday was the arson of a representative’s office in retribution for the ban.
Combined with the crappy algorithm after the shutdown (indicates they gotta actually rebuild all the recommendations), it’s likely that the company shut the site down to be in compliance, intending to go back up if possible once the law was reversed or the new administration was in power, and was offered assurances against legal action and protection against the law after the representatives office was set on fire.
I’m not sure you’re correct.
The law only mandated that ByteDance remove TikTok from app stores in the U.S. if it failed to meet the sale deadline. Company executives made the decision to shutdown the app entirely.
Apple and Google removed it from their app stores in accordance with the law, and it is still removed from those app stores.
Quite possible that TikTok just went dark to make an infrastructure change to implement new code - while they display a message praising Trump.
So that we’re 100% clear, the site and app only stopped working in the us.
If you were in the us on a browser and used a fresh cache and a vpn in another country it worked fine, famously Canadian users used the time to shit talk American users while they “couldn’t” hear.
While there’s an argument to be made that the law only explicitly prohibits new downloads (distribution) it also makes reference to maintaining the service. A company that wanted to continue running the company without any ability to gain American users could attempt to skirt that, but eagle eyed readers of law will recognize that sec2.a.1.B pretty much squashes that. Not only does it make datacenters in the us and elsewhere culpable, but the generally held legal definition of words like “internet hosting services”, “distribution”, “maintenance”, “updating” and “application” are not the narrow often colloquial meanings we’re used to, but broad definitions intended to give the maximum applicability to laws regardless of specific technology involved.
So I think unless bytedances strategy was to explicitly skirt the law and try to keep the servers up for the American users then the “correct” decision was to follow the letter of the law until the new regime that had promised to offer a stay was in power and made that offer officially and in writing.
From a business perspective, for a company caught between two regimes, giving the “win” to the one you’ll definitely be working with longer is a no brainer.
I haven’t seen significant right wing or pro trump content on TikTok after it came back on. I have seen plenty of users saying thank you president trump with a whole spectrum of intonation and doing thinking emoji at the message when it came back on. I also haven’t seen decent analysis of its algorithms behavior since then, which makes sense because making a decent analysis of such a black box would take time.
Changes to a persons recommendations take time. The way that 小红书 surfaces this by changing the “reels” offered to the users explore page when they’ve accumulated enough information to make a change and finished processing it.
Part of what made TikTok’s algorithm and recommendations seem so magical is that it had a really good way of spicing things up and not getting stuck in a rut and because there was only one scrolling feed, changes to recommendations were just suddenly there.
Just having said that and having experienced the rinky-dink recommendations after the downtime I don’t think it was a shut down specifically for changes (although they definitely did, why would t you take the opportunity to update everything if you’re doing mandated spin down?) but because it was the smart legal choice.
The constitution stopped mattering to these people a long time ago.
This is key. Trump’s executive order can’t override the law. Executive orders can only interpret the law. With the courts saying the law is valid, TikTok and US hosting companies are understandably hesitant to resume operations just on Trump’s word (which is worthless anyway) that the ban won’t be enforced.
and only one of the app stores brought back tiktok despite trump’s executive order saying that it’s okay now.
when it comes to profits & finance, they’re very easily spooked and will go out of their way to ensure that they don’t lose $$$; points 3 & 4 are in service to $$$ based on how they interpet the law, just like the app stores.
Fascism. That’s what’s going on.
TikTok wasn’t ever actually banned.A ban was signed into law. It had bipartisan support, though that may have been because it was tied in with aid for Ukraine. Biden appeared to have supported it initially but either after public backlash or them actually realizing what a massive fumble it was, Biden’s administration said they would not enforce the ban and leave it to the Trump admins.
TikTok voluntarily shut down their servers, and gave users a super dickridey message about how Trump was going to save the platform. Less than 24 hours later, severs came back up with another dickridey message about how Trump promised to save their platform.
All of this happened before the inauguration.
Edit: im trying my best to make this as accurate as possible pls let me know if I fucked up.
Pretty much summed it up.
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You got “foreign influenced” like US has done it for decades to other countries. US used to call it spreading democracy or some sort.
Does that help?
He had to defend TikTok to win over youth votes for the election.
Now that he’s pres again, he knows that in one year it will become very apparent that he can’t lower grocery/gas prices, and isn’t willing to take action on home prices, the deficit, AI, or wage inequality.
So instead he has a list of things that will prop up his approval rating, because that is the only metric that actually matters to him. Right now that seems to mean keeping TikTok, and annexing new territory (even if that just means renaming the Gulf of Mexico).
he has a list of things that will prop up his approval rating, because that is the only metric that actually matters to him
This almost feels overly forgiving to Trump, given what the remainder of our political body is. When judging US politicians by which metrics actually matter to them, “approval rating” puts someone way in the upper echelon.
I would not agree. Every metric is subject to Goodhart’s law, approval ratings is no exception. Putin has (allegedly) maintained an approval rating well over 50% for his entire career.
I’m not saying he wants to do right by his constituents, I’m saying he wants to be told he’s a winner. Trump is a narcissist. He’s all the other terrible things because at the end of the day he needs to feel liked. He will only do things that he thinks will fill that void.
Uh the Supreme Court approved Biden’s ban that was initiated by Trump. Which is a nice way to make Biden less popular and come out as the saviour, plus TikTok will now lick Donnie’s boots. Someone was very smart, although I don’t think it was Trump himself.
This is exactly the sort of deal making through bullying Trump is known for. He’s crazy, not stupid.
If they let him speech unattended, it goes all gobbledegook in no time, so I suspect he really is not the brightest bulb in the package.
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Trump has all these companies by the balls.
Which happened because they unzipped their pants and placed their scrotums in Trump’s tiny hands.
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well in some cases they were on the verge of being regulated or in the case of Google being threatened to be broken up. So a lot of this seems like self preservation which is just sad.
US does US things.
Inevitable commenter: This is just like in China!
Trump doesn’t want people to express freedom of speech as a Nazi he prefers people not know about certain things. The government wants only America propaganda. Therefore TikTok has to cater to Trump’s ego to stay in the US.
I now call it trump tok because of you post anything that’s anti trump or his Nazi regime you will get banned.
If you post anything about LGBT stuff or anything anti “America” you will get banned.
This is a classic mafia move. It will end with the mafia owning something that used to belong to someone else even though that person did not want to sell it.
Democrats walked right into his trap. I don’t think they’re controlled opposition but they sure act like it…
Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. They have shown you who they are, believe them. They are a fund raising party, their only allegiance is to capital.
I think that’s loosely true of the party in general, especially the higher-ups. But it’s worth pointing out that at least some people within the party, e.g., Ilhan Omar, who differ from the mainstream and who are genuine leftists.
It was always about control. They had no control over the information and now they do. All of a sudden it’s not a problem anymore.